Chapter No 3 Condom and Tampons'

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The school was another description of some romantic comedy movie. Everyone was active liability for their own things. Boys were standing in groups. Few girls were wearing dresses that looked like complete sluts.
"I wonder if they don't feel cold," she muttered.

"I hope I will be fine-tune here," she said while inhaling a deep breath when she was congested by a group.

She looked up at them; they all were smirking like some evil entity.

She was not a nerd or anything that attracted such bullies.

"Hello Newbie," said the girl who had feline-like eyes and she was wearing a high ponytail. She had a sexy hourglass shaped body.

"Holly dolly, seems so she deaf, girl this school is not for special kids," said the boy who was standing next to her, he had Burnett hair and brown eyes. His eyes were glitter with mischievousness.
Just at the same moment another boy who was the tallest then all ran behind her and snatched her bag instantly.
"Hey, don't," she screamed but the boy snatched the bag away already, She was running after him and the group was laughing. The boy was much faster than her and it was crowded too. After a while the boy was vanished in the mass.

"Now what will I do?" she said, frustrated.

She looked around frustrated. She was standing in the corridor, only a few students were sitting there.
There was a group of boys, who seemed to be in their senior year. She moved her fingers in her hair and just then she spotted something.

She ran towards the way where the boys were standing. There was a tall boy who was standing leaning on the pillar he had his back towards her so she was unable to see his face. She saw her bag was placed next to his right leg. In a matter of moments she grabbed that back.

"That's mine," she said in a rush and ran from there. She could hear boy's calling behind her but she was in a rush as she had to attend the class.

She sat on the back seat as she was feeling comfortable there. After a while the professor arrived there and he looked so arrogant and strict.

"Class, open your book and page 78 of biological organisms, hurry," said the professor.
She instantly turned towards her bag and when she unzip it, she was jaw-dropped.
The things inside were definitely not hers'. "What the hell," she said so loudly, everyone in the class turned towards her.

Luckily the professor has not heard her.

There was a pair of headphones, a lighter, a box of cigs, and some alien things she was unable to recognize because she had not seen such things before. The thing that was giving her creeps was a box with Durex written on it.
"Condom?" she whispered horribly.
"Whose bag is this? Oh shit, I got the wrong bag," she thought while slapping her head slightly.

"Now what I will do? There is not a single book in it," she said, almost crying.

Just then someone knocked on the door. She instantly looked up and she felt as if she was going to explode. They were those boys from whom she 'stole' the bag.

"Oh my God, I am doomed, they are here to kill me, no, no, no," she thought. She was looking at them and then to bag, the boys were not looking at her.

"I am doomed, I am doomed," she was repeating.
"Mr. Smith, perfect timing for class, I was about to think whom I should ask first question," said the professor and looked clearly exasperated.

"Professor, the field coach was getting harsh on us today," said the boy who was standing in front.

"Well, I would be surprised if you guys arrive at my class on time," said the professor. "Come in, we can't wait," said the professor and he turned towards his book.

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