Chapter No 5 Strange Town

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She made pasta and placed the bowl on the table. She always hate to eat alone but when Eric was hospitalized, she felt lonely.

She took the spoon full of pasta inside her mouth and her eyes filled with tears. She had a taste of her mother in her hands.

She weep her tears and finished the bowl.

After dishes, she felt so lonely and upset. She dialed Eric's number but he did not respond.

"Where is he?" she thought.

"It's pretty boring here, I think I should go outside," she muttered. "But Eric has told me not to go outside," she thought.

She walked towards the window. The weather was clear and cold. A lot of people were walking on the street. There was a marketplace next to her street.

"At least I can buy some coffee," she thought and walked towards the door.

She wore her cap and wrap the scarf around her neck and walked out.

"Whao, this town is not that bad," she thought.

She took a deep breath and a wonderful scent of food touched her senses.

"Now, that is something I will definitely try even if I am full," she thought and walked towards one of the shops. This town was built on the old history of the Roman empire. A lot of traditions and customs were old.

"What is this?" she asked the seller who was making Carbonara (Some Romanian dish).

"It's spaghetti and macaronies," he said.

"I will buy it," she said and give him the credit card but then she heard people muttering. There was a hustle.

She looked around. People were running. They were in a rush.

She looked ahead, the storekeeper was now closing the shop in a rush.

"What happened? Why are you closing? I have ordered something," she said.

"Don't you see, the moon has appeared and now we all should go home," he said while closing the shop's door in a rush.

"Are you crazy or what?" she said, annoyed.

"Go home, if you don't want to become meat," he said.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because it is forbidden," he and ran.

She looked around.

"What the hell is this?" she thought, annoyed, and walked towards her home.

"Crazy place, ruined my mood," she thought, annoyed, and shut the door after reaching home.

She looked out of the window. The whole town was now empty.

"Crazy people," she muttered.

"I am bored, at least, I could make one friend," she thought.

She sat on the couch and turned on the TV. It was a horror comedy movie.

"Peaceful," she muttered and closed her eyes.

She fell into a deep sleep when blue eyes appeared in front of her.

"Come with me," he whispered. She was unable to see his face because it was dark.

"Who are you?" She asked and then the small human blue eyes turned into large eyes, animal's eyes. It was the wolf, a huge black wolf.

She screamed and then the wolf howled.

She opened her eyes in fear. She was all sweating.

The howl was actual and still was echoing. She rushed to the window. The whole street was empty and wolf's howling could be heard.

"What kind of creepy place is this," she thought, annoyed.

Just then her phone beeped and fetched it out from her bag.

It was a message from Eric.

"Sorry, I was gone to sleep, I was unable to call you, are you okay?" he asked.

She typed him.

"I am fine, just missing you,"

"I miss you too," she received his message.

"Stay at home," her phone beeped again.

"I am home," she typed.

She was feeling sleepy again so she shut the Tv and walked up to the attic where her room was.

She decided to read first because of her childhood habit so she walked towards the window where her small bookshelf was.

She choose one of the urban legends and was about to turn when her gaze fell on the window in front of her where he lives.

It was all dark tonight.

"Seems like the jerk is not home today," she thought and turned.

She fell on the bed and looked at the title of the book.

She remember, Eric had given it to her on her birthday but she did not read it yet.

The title states:

The Legend of Lycans

"Whoa, Eric brought me the book about the werewolves," she said excitedly and opened the book.

"I am a crazy girl, minutes a go I had a nightmare about a wolf and even the wolf is howling outside and I am reading something like that as well," she thought.

It took her hardly twenty minutes and then she fell asleep again.


It was 2nd week since she joined the school and she was looking for a job as well. She had not made any friends yet and the people here are strange, they don't want to be helpful at all. She have not seen that girl who was the only girl here who talked to her, the one who saved her that day at school.

"I have to find a job this week," she thought. She was passing by the lockers when she had gone collided with someone.

She looked up, it was him, Xavier Allen.

He looked down at her and clenched his teeth.

"I have told you to stay away from my business," he said.

"You are in the middle of my business Allen," she said while crossing her arm around her chest.

He clenched his teeth but she walked ahead ignoring him. He was indeed so taller than her but she just offend him.

After a while, he rushed to her and lift her up on his shoulder.

"What the hell you are doing put me down now," she screamed.

She looked at the students around and asked them to hell her but they all were looking so terrified of him.

"Xavier Allen, you cannot bully me," she said, annoyed.

He throws her down and she felt a sharp pain in her ribs.

He bends on her and their faces were a few inches away, she could feel his breath on her face.

"Never ever dare to offend me you know what I can do and what I can defiantly do," he said in a whisper. 

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