Chapter No 11 An Abomination

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She rolls her eyes and walks past him, but he was quick, and he grabs her by her wrist. He was probably a druggie of some sort, probably also reeking of some mental issues, seeing as he pins her against the wall.

She let out a strangled screech, trying to fight his hands off her, but he placed a hand over her mouth.

“Get. Your. Blo…blo…bloody…hands off of me,” she manages to spit out, but he leans down and whispers in her ear, “Shh, you are too hot, baby, it won’t hurt, trust me.”

He tries to kiss her but she shakes her head from side to side to protect herself.

He smells like a bunch of weed. Trippy, cancerous. The scent of alcohol hits her from his mouth as he growls in frustration when she is struggling. He grabs her by the waist, pinned her hands in his arms, and pulls her closer. She felt a sharp pain around her waistline.

He forcefully threw her on the bed and she gasped due to pain. She quickly scrambled up before he could get her and sprinted towards the door despite her back aching and even now the sharp pain was hitting her ribs as well, but he was too fast and slammed her back into the bed. He climbs on top of her and she is struggling against his hold as he pins her arms over her head. He placed another hand over her mouth to make her shut up as she was crying for help. She screamed against his hand and bit it. He tastes like a slice of rotten meat.

“You should try harder sister, you are still weak and you say I should let you out alone?” Eric’s voice echoed in her ear.

“No brother, I am strong. If anyone dares to touch me I will toast him,” her voice echoed.

“Why can’t I fight him? He was too strong,” she thought.

She felt his other hand unzipping her dress.

“Help, somebody, help me!”

She screamed when he slapped her in the face and something happened inside her body. She felt a strange sensation like she never felt before

“Shut up,” he growled. He looked like a psycho-alcoholic.

He leans down, trailing kisses down her neck.

She let out a muffled, “Let me go!” he did not notice but she felt her blood start to boil and her body’s temperature was rising. She growled and his expression turned confused.

He looked inside her eyes and now there was no lust in his eyes but fear.

He let her go and got up quickly.

“What the hell are you?” he screamed just then the door opened with a thud and she looked at the door and horror was standing there.

Xavier Allen.

In a matter of seconds, he understood what was going on there.

He rushed towards Eliot and slammed him against the wall. Her eyes filled with tears and she covered herself in the sheets, her whole body was shaking unconditionally. The guy tried to punch Xavier, but he was quick to duck and sent a strong punch towards his jaw.

“What the fuck you were doing bastard with her?” he growled, sending another punch to his guts. The guy doubles over in pain, and Xavier wastes no more time kneeing him in the same place he punched.

“Oh Fuck you Allen,” the boy screamed. Xavier throws him onto the floor and throws punch after punch on his face, and blood pours down his nose. The guy lays unconscious beneath Xavier and Xavier stops mid-punch and quickly climbs off him.

His eyes land on Amanda. The angry look on his face was making her even more scared.

“What do you think, you were doing here?” he asked her, eliminating the distance between them. She was all covered in sheets because her dress was now torn.

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