Chapter No 13 A bond

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Heavy rain was falling from the sky and thunderstorm was heard crashing. Raindrops were racing to each other on the window. Amanda was staring out the window while Doctor Henry was applying a bandage on her injured forearm.

“Nothing to worry about, she is fine and okay,” said Doctor, Henry.

“But Henry, her arm is swollen,” said Daniel.

“But she will heal it,” Henry said while grinning.

Daniel stops himself from swearing.

“What?” asked Henry after an awkward silence.

“Yeah, doctor is right. I think I can heal it fast. Last time I got my leg fractured, I healed pretty fast,” said Amanda.

“Yeah since you are a…hy…” Henry was about to complete his sentence when Daniel abrupt him.

“Amanda, you should take a bath carefully,” he said.

Henry gave him a sigh.

Amanda touches her forearm.

“Nothing to worry about now she is pretty good,” he said.

Amanda smiled and got up.

“Where is Ecoline, Daniel, ask her to bring some healing water, we need it here,” said Henry, and this time Daniel hit his head. There was an awkward silence in the room.

“What is Healing water?” asked Amanda.

Daniel clutches his teeth and grins.

“Amanda, my mom, he is talking about my mom and she regularly goes to church, and that is where she got some healing water for the hospital. Our beloved Henry is religious,” said Daniel while slightly patting Henry’s shoulder. Henry clears his throat and adjusts his glasses on his small nose. He was a short Chinese descendant young boy.

“Okay thank you, doctor, I will take care of my bandage. Daniel, I am going to check on Eric, are you coming?” Amanda asked while resting her injured arm on her hand.

He nods.

She smiles and walks off.

“Hedy, you got a really big mouth. You will let all of the secrets out one day,” said Daniel, annoyed.

“First of all don’t call me ‘Hedy’ and second of all, why should she not know?” Henry aka Hedy asks.

“You can only change your name, not habits,” said Daniel, exasperated, and walks off.

Henry stares at the closed door and snores.

“Children nowadays, totally forgetting how to give respect to god like me,” he said while standing in front of the mirror and moving his hands in his hair.

“Hah, Henry, you are indeed the most intelligent,” he said to his reflection, and then the thunder struck.

He looked up, annoyed.

“You always don’t like me being good,” he muttered and walks towards the table and started writing something on the pad.


She was walking through the hall when her gaze fell on the room on her right. It was the same room she got in on her first day here in the hospital. Amanda felt a strange connection with the woman in the room. She took a deep breath.

“Who is she? Why she is in such a condition?” she thought and walks ahead.

She knocks on the door. This hospital was huge and the only hospital in the town. Luckily, her brother got a room, clean and well-ventilated.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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