Chapter No 9 Broken

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"Kai, help her, please, protect her," he said while coughing violently.

"No, I won't let anything happen to you, Nurse," Kai screamed and more than 20 nurses and a doctor walked inside.

They were checking on him and putting an oxygen mask on his face.

Eric was looking at Kai with tears in his eyes. Kai wipes the tear that fell from his eyes.

"I am afraid, we need to find an antidote as soon as possible, he is getting weaker," said the doctor.

"Doctor, I am afraid if we will fail to get the antidote, more of our kind will effect," said Kai and walked out of the room.

There was a plan in his head and he have to do something before it was too late.


"Boring class, I have to leave so that I could meet Eric," she thought.

"Professor, I just walk in," said a voice in the middle of the lecture.

"Mr. Wilson, do you think it is time to attend class?" asked Professor annoyed.

She looked up, it was Xavier's friend Liam Wilson.

He smirked.

"Where is your best friend, the other culprit?' asked the professor.

"I am here," said a deep voice.

Her gaze fell on the being standing next to Liam.

"Mr. Allen, do you think, it is time? I am so pleased finally having you in the class," said the professor.

Xavier yawns and looked around the class.

"Unable to get up sooner," he said while raising an eyebrow.

"Arrogant lair," Amanda muttered but at the same time he looked at her and his blue eyes filled with anger.

"Did he hear me?" she thought.

"I can't discuss this with you, Mr. Allen, you may go to your seat," said the professor and he walked towards the seat next to her while Liam walked towards the seat where she was sitting the other seat with her was empty. He smirked and sat with her.

"I am Liam, we met that day," he whispered.

She smiled.

"I am Amanda," she said.

"I know," he said.

She looked at him with wearing amazed expression.

"The thing you did last day was so cool," he said.

She smiled.

"She was getting on my nerves," she said.

"I loved the way you lash out at her," he said, chuckling.

"Miss Amanda," the professor snapped, staggering her.

"What is so important you are telling Mr. Wilson?" she asked.

"Professor I..." she tried to say something when the professor abrupts her in the middle.

"Poor performance in mathematics, see you got D," she said while throwing test paper towards her.

She looked at the test paper, horribly.

"I almost failed," she said with tears in her eyes.

"I am...I am..." she tried to explain. Eric used to teach her mathematics but since he was not here she failed.

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