Rumors about a love polygon

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A month later

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A month later. Monday, July 3rd, 2023 at 6:30p.m., Kassandra was working out in the gym that the staff uses along with Angie, and Hania walked towards them.

Hania: Hey, you guys, let's go to the Jacuzzi, and relax a little bit. Kassie, I've got somethin' to show you.

They left the gym and changed into their bathing suits. They headed down to the Jacuzzi and relaxed a little bit.

Angie: Okay, Hania, what do you got to show Kassie?

Hania grabbed her phone and showed them a post on Instagram of a poster with images of Damian, Roman, Zoey, Shayna, Jessamyn, Bad Bunny, Sonya, Rhea, Shotzi, Mercedes Martinez, Finn, Dominik Mysterio, and Santos Escobar along with a picture of Kassie in the middle of it. The words Love Polygon of Darkness appeared above the images on the poster.

Kassandra: Oh, come on, Hania, do you really believe any of this? It's just some fan who's tryna make waves and get a lot of likes and comments. It's bullshit.

Hania: It's real and here's some more proof.

She scrolled down and there were pictures of each Superstar with Kassie. In the pics, she was serving them as a waitress, massaging them as a masseuse, and having casual conversations with them while hanging out with them, too. There were even pics and videos of her having fun with them.

Kassandra: Okay, I'm workin', and hangin' out with them. When does the love part come into play? 

Hania: You're in denial, right now. Have you seen their posts on social media recently?

Kassandra: No, and I don't care.

Angie: Wait a minute, you're Galley Girl? You're the one that I keep hearin' about on the boat?

Hania: Yes, she's Galley Girl. The one who stole all of those Superstars' hearts on this post and don't even know it, yet.

Angie: Oooh, you're drownin' in the sea of love, girl. They're in love with you. They can't stop talkin' or thinkin' about you.

Kassandra: Both of you are smokin' crack.

Hania: If by crack, you mean, reality, then, yes, we are.

Angie: They've been postin' on their social media pages nonstop about you, Kassie.

Kassandra: Can you guys just stop talkin' about this? Finn, Dominik, Roman, Sonya, and Zoey are married people and the rest of them aren't gay or lesbian. Some of them are in relationships.

Angie: Judgin' by the way Rhea held onto Liv Morgan after runnin' into her arms on national television, she doesn't seem not lesbian to me. She seems bi. 

Kassandra: Okay, keep livin' in this fantasy world where impossible things happen to people like us.

Hania: Actually, they do happen to people like us, Kassie, in the real world. You just don't wanna accept it. When was the last time you got laid? When was the last time you were in some sort of bizarre love polygon? When was the last time you were held by someone you wanted to be held by? 

Angie: And when was the last time you had someone to take care of you or push you harder for what you dreamed of or took you out on a date? When was the last time you've been kissed?

Kassandra scratched her head awkwardly.

Hania (shockingly): Wow, it's been that long? Kassie, this is--.

Kassandra: This is the summer and let these people have their so-called summer crush on me. I don't care. I'm not leadin' them on or promisin' them anything. I'm just livin' life and doin' what I gotta do to survive and that's makin' money while havin' fun. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go finish up on my schoolwork. 

She got out of the Jacuzzi and went to their dorm room.

Angie: Kassie.

Hania: Well, so much for jumpin' up and down in the Jacuzzi for her happiness.

Angie: She'll come around. We just gotta let her sink it all in, and then, she'll be jumpin' up and down for pure joy. I wonder who's she gonna pick.

Hania: Me, too.

They squealed in delight.

Angie: To our friend, Kassie, may she find love and happiness during this summer.

Hania: To Kassie.

They clinked their margarita glasses together and took a sip of their drink.