Running into Michelle Rodriguez

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Kassie and Rhea were playing around in the water and Rhea pulled her in for a kiss. 

Kassie: I'm gonna go get us some margaritas, be right back.

Rhea: Don't keep me waitin'.

Kassie: Don't drink the water.

She got out of the water and walked towards the tiki bar. Michelle Rodriguez got beside her, and Alejandro, Kassie's friend, got behind her. He pulled her bathing suit bra strap and it came apart. He covered up his mouth and one of the servers walked towards Kassie.

Female Server: Hi, how can I help--?

Michelle looked over at Kassie and saw her boobs showing while her bra was down to her waist. The female server laughed nervously.

Female Server: Um, ma'am, your--.

She followed the female server's gaze and looked down at her boobs. She covered up her boobs and turned around to look at Alejandro. He uncovered his mouth and smiled nervously. 

Alejandro (nervously): Hey, Kassie.

Kassie: Alejandro Gonzalez, what the hell?!

Alejandro: I'm sorry. I meant to snap your bra not reveal your tits.

Kassie turned around to face the female server and half-smiled.

Kassie: I am so sorry about this. I usually don't have the girls out. I would like two mango margaritas, please.

Female Server: Comin' right up.

She walked away and Kassie turned around to face Alejandro.

Alejandro: Aloha?

Kassie: If we were at a nude beach, it would be a different story, and besides, Rhea's here. I shouldn't keep her waitin' or she'll start to worry.

Alejandro: About that, I wanted to talk to you about her and the others. I think we should talk about it in private.

Kassie finished putting her bra on.

Kassie: Don't tell me it's about that love polygon of darkness bullshit, is it?

Alejandro: A piece of it is.

Kassie: Listen, before the vibe gets ruined, I would like to see Miley Cyrus perform, tonight, and then, afterwards, we can talk about your conspiracy theory about it, okay?

Alejandro: Okay, I heard about Angie.

Kassie: Yeah, she tries to take after Hania being the party girl. Why don't you join us at the Lava Lava Beach Club restaurant? Miley said I could invite some of my friends to come with me.

Alejandro: Sure, I'll see you there.

Kassie: Come early like around 7 or 8pm.

Alejandro: I got you.

They hugged each other and he walked away.

Alejandro (jokingly): I'll find you a man. Maybe, he can motorboat your cha-chas for ya. 

Kassie: Whatever.

She turned around and waited for the server to give her her drinks.

Michelle: First time being here?

Kassie: Yeah, kinda.

Michelle: Do you recognize me from anywhere?

Kassie looked at her and folded her arms nervously to cover her boobs.

Kassie: Yeah, but I'm not tryna draw any attention to you.

Michelle: Michelle Rodriguez.

They shook each other's hands.

Kassie: Kassie Ala.

Michelle: Was that your friend?

Kassie: Yeah, he's my coworker. We work on a cruise ship together. So, what brings you here?

Michelle: I needed to get away. I'm on vacation.

Kassie: Well, that's good to hear. Take some time off from work.

Female Server: Here you are.

Kassie paid for her drinks and took them from the female server.

Kassie: Thanks, well, it was nice meetin' you, Ms. Rodriguez. Enjoy your vacation.

Michelle (flirtatiously): I plan to.

She took a sip of her margarita, and watched Kassie, until, she left.