Girl on Girl Action

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 It was 6:30pm, Kassandra was sitting in the shower holding her knees together while the hot water was turning her skin red, and Rhea walked towards Kassandra's hotel room. She knocked on the door and Angie got up from the sofa.

Angie: Kassie, you better still be alive in there. We've got junk food comin' our way.

She walked towards the door and opened it.

Rhea: Oh, is this Kassie's room?

Angie: Yeah, this is her room, why?

Rhea: I needed to talk to her.

Angie: Kassie doesn't wanna talk to you.

She began to close the door and Rhea stopped it with her hand.

Rhea: Well, I wanna talk to her. I'm not the enemy here, and neither, is Luis. I know Damian and how he is.

Angie: Oh, really, then, why is my friend still in the shower after feelin' like your friend used her for a one-night stand?

Rhea: Technically, he's the one that feels that way because she left him without so much as a good mornin' to him. I wanna talk to Kassie, now, so, let me in or I'll break this door down just to get in. I'm stronger than you, and I can do it, so, try me.

Angie moved out of the way and Rhea went inside. Angie closed the door behind her and went into the bedroom. She walked towards the bathroom and knocked on the door.

Angie: Kassie, Kassie, I'm comin' in, okay?

She opened the door and went inside the bathroom. She turned the shower off and wrapped Kassandra in a towel. She helped her out of the shower and they went into the bedroom. Kassandra dried herself off and put on some clean clothes.

Kassandra: How long was I in there?

Angie: An hour and a half. You had me scared for a minute there. How're you feelin'?

Kassandra: I'm okay. I wasn't raped that's for sure. I just wish I could remember that part of havin' sex with someone that's sexy lookin' like Damian Priest. It sucks ass.

Angie: Yeah, it definitely does suck ass. You have a visitor. I can kick'em out or you can listen to what they have to say. It's your choice.

Kassandra: I'll listen to what they have to say. I do wanna drink some wine, though.

Angie: Not on an empty stomach, you're not.

They went into the living room and saw Rhea sitting down on the sofa.

Kassandra: Um, I wasn't expectin' any company.

Rhea got up and put her hands in her pockets.

Rhea: Hey, Kassie, I know that you weren't expectin' me or anything, but I really wanted to talk to you in private.

Angie: I'm not leavin' you alone with her.

Kassandra: It's fine, Angie. I'll be fine.

Angie: You sure?

Kassandra: Yeah, if anything happens, I'll scream for you or I'll call the police.

Angie (talking to Rhea): Don't turn my friend into a whore.

Kassandra: Come on, Angie, I'll call you later, and I won't drink wine on an empty stomach, I promise.

They hugged each other and Angie left. Kassandra went back into the living room and sat down.

Kassandra: You can sit back down if you want to.

They sat down across from each other.

Kassandra: So, what is it that you wanna talk to me about?

Rhea: Damian feels sorry about what happened between you guys last night. He can tell that you were embarrassed about the whole entire situation. Not rememberin' it and feelin' like you were a piece of trash. He doesn't see you that way. I know I don't.

Kassandra: I wanna remember havin' sex with someone like him, so, that way I'll know that I wasn't violated, and that it was consensual.

Rhea: Maybe, you guys can link up, tonight.

Kassandra: Yeah, maybe.

Rhea: What were you doin' with Detective Hoffman?

Kassandra: I met him at the Polynesian Cultural Center and he decided to take me to lunch. No harm done.

Rhea: Any plans for tonight?

Kassandra: No, just eat junk food and get drunk.

Rhea: Mind if I stay overnight?

Kassandra: No, not at all.

Rhea: I'll go get my clothes.

Kassandra: Okay.

She left and Kassandra turned the channel on the TV.

Two hours later, at 8:30p.m., they were watching a horror movie marathon, and a movie called Kruel was playing while they were eating pizza and drinking their drinks. 

Rhea: You're pretty.

Kassandra: Thanks, so, are you.

Rhea: Kassie.

Kassandra: Yeah?

She looked at Rhea and Rhea started kissing her.

Kassandra: Okay, I can't do this. I don't see you that way, Rhea.

Rhea: It's because I'm a girl that's too strong for you, isn't it?

Kassandra: No, no, it's--.

Rhea: Then, what is it? Do you have the hots for Shotzi or Sonya? Wait a minute, you've never kissed a woman before, have you?

Kassandra: No, I've never kissed a girl before, but I don't wanna string you along by makin' you think that somethin' is gonna happen between us.

Rhea: You're not, Kassie, we're just experimentin', and I'm your first. I really like you. 

She went back to kissing Kassandra and they took each other's clothes off. Rhea picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. She kicked the door closed behind them and laid Kassandra down on the bed. Kassandra sat up and Rhea kissed her from her lips down to her stomach. She squeezed Kassandra's plumpalicious boobs ever so softly and flicked her nipples.

Kassandra: Rhea, something's not right.

She felt herself getting ready to come and Rhea got in between her legs. She put her hands on Kassandra's cheeks.

Rhea: You're about to cum. Don't hold back. I'm the Dominant and you're the Submissive. Cum for me, sweetheart.

She played with Kassandra's pussy while humping her and both of them moaned. She humped Kassandra faster while they were French kissing and moaning. Both of them came at the same time and Kassandra wrapped her legs around Rhea's hips tightly. They were panting and sweating while holding onto each other. Rhea let out a grunt after giving Kassandra one last hump against her pussy and Kassandra let out a muffled moan while her face was buried on the right side of Rhea's neck. She slowly unwrapped her legs from around Rhea's hips and Rhea put them back in that same position instantly. She moved Kassandra's hair out of her face and finished kissing her, until, they fell asleep.