Rhea's obsession and overprotectiveness for Kassandra has grown

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Kassandra knocked on the door of Angie's hotel room and Hania opened the door for her. Her and Rhea went inside and Hania closed the door behind them.

Kassandra: I saw the text. How is she? Rhea, stay out here for a minute, please.

Hania led Kassandra to Angie's bedroom and closed that door behind them. Rhea folded her arms and smiled devilishly while walking towards the fridge. She opened it and took out a pitcher of iced tea that Hania had made for Angie. She took out a glass vial of morphine mixed with Windex and poured it into the tea. She stirred it up and put it back in the fridge after wiping off her prints.

Hania: She's been like this, ever since, she woke up.

Angie was throwing up uncontrollably into the toilet.

Kassandra: Well, did you call the doctor?

Hania: And they ruled it as alcohol poisoning. They gave her some medicine, but right now, she's gettin' the liquor out of her system.

Angie wiped her mouth with tissue and flushed it down the toilet. They helped her up and got her into bed.

Kassandra: If you want us to stay, we'll stay, Angie. Hania can party another day and I can hang out with Rhea another day.

Angie: No, it's okay. You're in Hawaii. You should go and have fun not babysittin' me.

Hania: Kassie's right, Angie, we don't mind. You missed out on the slumber party and we don't want you to miss out on anything else.

Kassandra: And on top of that Miley Cyrus is supposed to be performin', tonight.

Angie: I love Miley Cyrus.

Kassandra: Mmm-hmm, and she wanted me to invite you guys to tag along. 

Angie: You have to go, Kassie. Send me a recordin' of her performance, tonight. That'll make my night.

Kassandra: Okay, and I'll persuade her to stay in Hawaii a lot longer, so, you can see her once you get over your sickness.

Angie: Thank you, Kassie.

Kassandra: I'm startin' to regret this all over again.

Angie: Don't say that. See it as you doin' your sick, out of control, party girl bestie a favor of a lifetime.

Kassandra: Hania, were you gonna come to the restaurant, tonight?

Hania looked at Angie for confirmation. 

Angie: You know, you want to, so, go.

Hania: I'll go, but I'm stayin' with Angie, until, you text me the location. 

Kassandra: Okay, I'll see you guys later, get better, mamacita.

She hugged them and left with Rhea. They got into a taxi and went to Duke's Waikiki. Rhea held onto her hand in the backseat and rubbed her thumb against Kassandra's knuckles.

Rhea: So, what were you and Miley talkin' about?

Kassandra: Nothin', just about her being here in Hawaii, and she's gonna be performin', tonight, at the Lava Lava Beach Club restaurant. I'm gonna meet up with Hania there.

Rhea: Do you really think that I'm gonna let Miley still you away from me, tonight? You need to loosen up, too. You're so uptight.

Kassandra: I am not.