Karloz did what ?

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gamzee pov : I woke up to a scream sound like it was Comeing from the cell under my room I got up and run to the cell to see (y/n) cell open . ( y/n) ? U see karloz in there holding ( y/n) sexualy . Let her go he screams . Karloz smirks ok bro I was just show her what she ment For . im get so mad I turn sober and beat that lil ass of urs * i growl . Karloz quickly drop ( y/n) and walks towards me . Now now there no need to get in a fight over a lowblood . After he left I ran to (y/n) . (Y/n) ? Wake up , she slowly open her eye .i smile at the fact of it . Gamz..ee? She says . I just so happy that UR okay lil mama . Know I was thinking we can take it slow . She starts to cry . What's a matter love ? She pull me close and says. no I wanna be with u just hold me and protect me and to love me and never call me names!!! She crys , what did he do to u ? I ask PROMISE me she yells . I promise crossing my heart . Now what did the fuckER do ????? she baries her face into my chest . ( y/n) ? What happen ?

(Y/n) pov : -flash back -I was sound asleep till I heared a scream I woke up to see my cell mate being sexualy harast by karloz . Stop it I yell , he slowly turn faceing me . What was that lil lady . His eye were fully purple unlike normal I thinks his on his culling . I said stop she dosent like it he qiuckly drop her and walks over to me with a smirk . I beat u would like it then he pick u up by UR chains U kick but can't reach him . Oh a feisty One he smirks at me. He leans in and Kisses me harshly on my lips . He slides his hand up my shirt and back down . He slids his hand into my pants. I yelp as he smriks at me . His fingers slowly enter my body . Shiver run down my back . I heard foot step coming he cover my mouth with his free hand so I would be quiet I s e gamzee I sighs in relief. - flash back ends -

gamzee PoV : (y/n) stares off in space it must be something bad ( y/n) ? I shake her as he he did that u come back into reality. Gamzee he sexually Hearst me and neptea . She cry into me . What ? He yells

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