Meet the crew part 2

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* you hit the floor and black out for a bit .  A bunch of the crew members surrounded you . As mindfang is dealing with rufioh .  Cold ice water was splashed on you . You wake up in a fuss .  *  Y/N: I remember something ! I was in a cell in a really big hive and my son ! OH MY GOD MY SON ! *tears start rolling down your face. From the memories of  your dead son . *  Mindfang: what's wrong ? * She runs to you and hugs you .*  Y/N: they killed my son ! *you cry as everyone backs up * lets talk somewhere else they boys need to get back to work . *she picks you up and carries you to her room . * Now what do you remember ?

A/n: sorry it took so long . I'm working on a couple  chapters . This is not my best chapter .n

She's mine and only mine ( sober gamzEe x reader )Where stories live. Discover now