It's time to move.

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* lemons and triggers *

- you walk gammze down the hall and see karloz and muelin. Hanging up by chain , karloz had his mouth sewn shut and mulin head is bleeding . you ran up to them and notice that they were still alive but knocked out - " he's going to pay " you thought. - you start growling - come on !-you grab his wrist with a painful grip-'' he's going to pay ." you keep telling your self as you eyes start turning red-
gam: aren't you feisty -he tease.-
y/n: shut up!- you grab him by his through- your the one that's been feisty !- you push him into a wall-
gam: I know I have been but I thought you like feisty!- he grabs a handful of your hair -but if you wanna play? Its going to be a short game.  
y/n: yeah try me !- you force your self to kiss him . you can feel his smirk against  your lips. Gamzee picks you up and kisses down your neck .- Gam: I like this game! - you count all the touches that gamzee made trying not to cry.-  y/n: shut up it's not a game! - you hissed - gam: oh so it's the real you? your true feelings?- slides his hand up your shirt - y/n: no but I will not let the Makara name go down like how people think it will ! I will not let the Makara family name go down that easy your father work to hard for that killing his best friend . he would have gave up anything for you boys!-gamzee crash his lip on your , and he slides his cold hand up your shirt to your chest.  you gasped at the touch. Gamzee tong slips into your mouth . your hands slides up to his hair . To the base of his horns .  -
gam: not so fast little mama . -he grabs your hand - we didn't even make it to the bedroom yet.- he picks you up and carry you to his room.- sorry for the mess little mama. - he move everything of his bed / horn pile . Setting you on the bed he quickly strips his shirt off . you couldn't help but stare .so many cuts on his wrist and shoulders- y/n: gamzee what the hell ! why would you do that to your self ? -you trace your hand along the scars - gam: because my dame father let his friends do what ever the liked to me !
- you kisses him from crying- y/n: hey don't cry you have me now . - you place your hand on his neck - 

* back to jade *
- jade was running throw the woods tell she bumps in to dirk -
jade : dirk we have to hurry she gone mad.
dirk: go home ! stay there I need you to keep jake there !- tears rolls down his cheeks.-
jade: okay but please hurry - she hugs him - I try my best .
ghb: why did you leave her ? - he growls -
jade: she found out it was me sir and she told me to leave because gamzee almost killed me . To stop him I think she going to mate with him .-   she yells-
ghb: mate ? what the fuck is mate ?-he really mad -
dirk: he and her are getting it on bro! if we don't hurry we may have a really weird problem on are hands!
ghb: that lil shit !- he frowns - couple more minutes well be there.
* back to you and gamzee *
- gamzee got you down to your bra and panties and he was in his boxers also-
gamzee: why are you so mother fuckn small ? how could he do with this?
y/n: what are you talking about? I am fine this was . I'm glad I don't have big things actually .I like being  lowblood!

* ghb and dirk * dirk : hey  the hole hive is surrounded  .  Do you want to make the call ?
ghb: yeah . - he shoots an arrow taking out the best guard on the team and everyone runs out attacking.-

* you and gamzee* a guard knocks on the door when gamzee just stared to attempt to enter your body- gam: who in the hell disturbs me ?
guard : sure the hive is under attack ! by lowbloods sir!
gam: you little bitch !- he grabs you by your neck and throw you at wall- ill teach them that your mine know - he get done dressing -
y/n :no!- you black out from the lost of blood -
* ghb and gam*
gam: how many times do I have to kill you old man?
ghb: you cant your too week .- he hold up clubs -
gam: ill make sure ill do it right now . prepare to die old man.

She's mine and only mine ( sober gamzEe x reader )Where stories live. Discover now