the ring

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* you go back inside to clean up the mess . you pick up the ring box and put it in the drawer .*
y/n: maybe in another life .- you say with tears forming in your eyes .-
* gamzee knocks on the door *
y/n: go away  I don't want to speak to anyone right now. -she cries-
gam: y/n are you okay ? * he try to open the door but its lock * why is the door lock love I thought we talk about this !- he say angrily-
y/n: I just need a moment that's all . * she pulls out a razor *   

* in the woods*
sol: what do you want jade?
jade: she found a ring in the grand room he was going to propose .
sol: okay and ?
jade: what should I do ?
Jake: come home right now !
jade: but Jake she really needs me .- she whines -  
jake: I don't care you are just a little girl .
dirk : jake she is okay I know y/n and she loves animals .
jake: I don't want her around a crazy clown that could kill her!
dirk: like I do ? jade were coming as fast as we can . We just need a high blood to help us fight .
jade : I know just make jake cool his titts I got to go I hear y/n crying .
* jade trans form into a dog and runs back to the hive and starts barking *
y/n : go away gamzee gosh cant you see I need time?
gam: why are you crying ?
y/n: * opens the door * just leave me the fuck alone - you yell -
* gamzee grabs your arm and pulls you into a hug *
gam: I'm sorry y/n I did not mean to scare you
y/n : just leave me alone * you slap him in  the face.*
gam:  god dame it ! why do you fuckn hate me?
y/n: you killed your family for me . you killed the man that actually understand me!
gam: he got you for me don't you understand you were mine !!
y/n: he did not kill me because I reminded him of your mom!
gam: * he crash his lips against yours *
jade : ( oh no ) * she bites his leg drawing blood.*
gam: * he grab jade by the collar * dumb ass mutt . How in the hell did you even get in hear . * he pulls out his clubs * y/n : Gamzee stop ! * you put your arms around his neck * she just a puppy she probably smelled that Faygo from earlier.* GaMzEe drops jade * go lay down star ! - you growled.-  

Jade : oh crap she knows it me .) * running off *     Gam: * blushes at the arms around him * told you lil mama .  * he whispers in your ear * y/n : I gus you were right - you take his hand and lead him to your cell- gam: I thought you wanted to move slow ?- he wraps his arms around your waist . -  y/n : I lied !- you smrik - 

* up stairs *

Jade pulls out here phone and calls sollUx . Ghb pick up The phone - ghb: hello ? - he says weekly -    Jade: y/n know its me and gamzEe almost killed me and she going to do something with him down in the cells I need to speak with soullx ! - she was talking to fast but he heard the words with gamzee . The grand throws the phone , rips the needles out  of his arm and try's to get up but forgot about the one in his neck. Dirk and jake runs in holding him back -

Dirk : what the hell is wrong with you . You need rest !- he try calming him down -     Jake: what wrong ? - tears of fear is already in his eyes.-   Ghb : Im going to get are girls back - he rips the needle out of his neck -  jake: what  amatter don't you think Jade can handle it !- he yells -   Ghb: she was almost killed this is my fight and I'm not going to lose !- he eyes start turning red -   Dirk : jake !- he pulls him into a hug -  we will fight for what is ours. we won't let you go into this alone.      Ghb: then try to catch up . -he grabs a wooden baseball bat.- and head towards the door -  Jake : Dirk are we even read to fight gamzee army ?    Dirk: that's why your staying in the clear if the girls run back here the have some on to protect them! - he kisses jakes lips -   Jake : I can come we can leave rose or dave here !   Dirk :      there to young . Jake just stay here me and the other got this .- he ruffles jake hair and walk to the door with tears in his eye - * sol ring the war bell . 20 minutes later everyone was out side with weapons in their hands - ghb : when we reach the gates there is no turning back . So if you wanna live I suggest you turn back now . And it's okay if you do . - Dirk walks up to him - Dirk: there no need for a wars speech . Are we going to get them or not ? - he hold his sword up and points to the derations the need to go .-  we will not leave till everyone is with us . 

She's mine and only mine ( sober gamzEe x reader )Where stories live. Discover now