On Board

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* On board the ship . Mindfang checks your injury . while the crew gets ready to sail .  *

 Mindfang: You are a strong one even though your so small .  how could you deal with all those mean men. Throwing you around like a  ragdoll .  I for one would never treat you like that. - she laughs - Anyway lets get you clean up , and hopefully you will get better soon. You probably not even hearing a word I'm saying  .* she gently cuts your shirt off , and lays you on a medic bed . * sweet dreams !* she waves her hand over your eyes. Making you go down into a deep sleep .*

meanwhile on land  the grand here's the call for retreat . He runs back to the camp . Looking all around for y/n . When Dirk comes up and bitch slaps him* 

Ghb: what the hell did I do ? -he growls -* he picks up dirk by his hoodie * 

Dave:  * Dave enters the room *If you weren't fighting with us I would kill you right now . may you please put my big bro down ? you killed y/n because you once again did not fallow the plan!
Ghb: I did not kill her ! * he drops dirk leaving him gasping for air .* What make you think I did .

Dave : If you didn't run out in to the battle dirk would have not been shot . y/n would not have to run and try to save your ass . A spear killed her it went  straight  throw her  !
Ghb: no that cant be true . your lying my angle cant die so fast.  Like that she probably still   bleeding out on the battle field !- he yells- 

Dave: I have her wishes in hand . - he opens the letter - If you guy wish i will read it out loud? * everyone nodded in agreement .


" Dear camp i wanna thank you . For being the only family I had left after the high bloods toked everything from me . Teaching me everything I know , but at the end I learned how to forgive , and not to have hate in my soul . For the passed 2 years I learned that people do change after there mistakes even if they were big , but know should hate someone or thing for ever . I learn not just to love to keep me alive , but I learned that you can love for how they are now .  so my lasts  words to my top comrades  are. Jade I'm going to need you to watch after the boys and Roxy. Dirk ask the dame question already. god dose a girl have to die around here. Jake say yes . soullx go find your family . Grand if your still alive i love you and all of your family issues .  Forgiveness is the key so love each other . PS. Dave it would do me a great relief that you. my  baby boy  will take my spot as the new leader of the camp. " - he did not say the last part and just started crying his eyes out handing Jake the letter .-

Jake: PS. Dave it would do me a great relief that you. my baby boy will take my spot as the new leader of the camp. - he read it out loud everyone was staring at dirk . thinking that it would have been him. he gives a worried look at dirk . dirks goes to find him .  - 

jade : what did she mean by question Jake ? - she hugs him -

Jake: to be honest i really don't know jade. 

She's mine and only mine ( sober gamzEe x reader )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang