You chosen yourself

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Mayida's P.O.V.

Why did Gautama go rushing in he must like dancing or something dam I guess. "So are you really liking it up here Mayi"Belzebu asks. "It's kind of growing on me you know; yeah it's good to be here"I claim. "Hahaha sarcasm I see; nobody likes it here specially Raí"he states. "So he's raí because of his enlightenment title" I said. "Of course and the awaken one too he's top notch that Buddha" he says. He walks to get some drinks and offers me one but I'm not the drinking type. I suddenly remember my father and move away slowly to the balcony as Belzebu is busy talking with other gods. "What are you doing here mortal is this your disguise"? Loki asked in an upset tone. "Huh I don't think your making any sense" I say to him. "Oh right you think you're one of us now do you"? He claims. "Loki god of mischief and deceit sorry to burst your bubble but I'd rather not be a god hated by human kind"I say. He lets out a sinister laugh. "You think we fear those miserable mortals"he says laughing. "I could say the same about gods" I say to him. "Have some respect you wench Buddha the traitor will not always be around" he said. "I suggest you watch your words there Loki" I said. "You better listen to her there Loki don't get yourself hurt now" Gautama said. Reven walks past Loki towards me. But Loki paces away with out looking back at us. "So you weren't going to come talk to your mentor" says Gautama . "I uh it's just that uh' me stuttering. "Haha don't stutter missy it's not like you at all" Gautama says smirking. "I don't want to cause no trouble I'll be leaving soon either way" I explained. "So you're not going to dance with bug boy then" he asks. "Belzebu isn't the ballet king either; aren't you going to dance with Aphrodites" I ask him. "Yes of course but only to get her off my back that's all" he says. "I must get going back inside"I said. He stays out in the balcony a bit. I'm sure Aphrodites has a thing for Gautama she acts really dumb around him. I do wonder what he really thinks about her though. As I walk back inside I see Quin shi waving at me making silly dance moves. Hilda walks up to us aswell; and we conversate the night away. I would look back to see Gautama dancing with Aphrodites and she's in awe with him. A whole week after the ball Gautama spent more time with Aphrodites then he did training me. I felt lonelier each day but I had company Medusa and Hilda. Today as I got to the traing palace I bumped into Loki and he tried to go berserk on me but Belzebu defended me and Loki laughed his anger away as he walked away from us. When I get to the meditation room I sat a moment and sobbed I need to avoid those encounters with Loki he's starting to scare me a bit. Back home I just lay down and my door swings open. It's Gautama with a worried look on his face. "Maya are you okay I heard what happened" he said. I was furious either way. "Oh so now you care"I shouted at him. "Whoa hold it there I had important things going on too" he states. "We'll then go worry about your important things don't you dare bother with asking about me; and Loki he doesn't phase me that idiot" I say angrily. He just walk away slamming the door behind him that stupid jerk. I cry myself to sleep that night. The next weeks one morning on my way to the traing palace; I see Medusa walking really fast. "Whoa Maya you're heading so early to the Train wreck today "she says. "Yeah I wanted to start early today" I smile. She walks with me a bit and says she's in a hurry to go to the garden area with Quin shi. When I get to the gates I see Odín the god of war. He asks me to accompany him somewhere and I proceeded to follow him. We walk to the knights battle ground and he says he will be back to talk to wait a bit. Then I hear some growls in the distance and I look around and nothing. Then the growls get closer and louder; I get a bit scared. "So you are here to save the humans huh" Loki says assuredly. "A weakling like you; Buddha really outdid himself on this one. He says laughing and almost kicking me. " I believe you're mistaken I merely here to serve Buddha and that's all" I say. "You hear what happened to his last 2 followers humans no doubt died right here in the battle field they could even comprehend the magnitude of the gods power both died because your mentor was far too busy dealing with his meetings" Loki screams to me. "You can't just blurt out nonsense Loki if you have no intelligence as to Gautama's actions don't open you fucken mouth" I scream at him with all my might! He barely touches me and he tosses me to the ground 15 feet away from him I cry and scream in agony. He's but a couple inches away from me now when he grabs him by the arm.

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