Flashback Pt 1.

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" Stiles got your ass down here! Your birthday breakfast is going cold!" Sheriff shouted from downstairs.

Stiles smiled, rolling his eyes in humour and slowly peeling back the blankets. Getting up he was careful not to trip on anything in his morning haze.

He walked into the kitchen to see the dinging table full of food and his dad sat at the end, surrounded by presents with a big smile on his face.

He was holding a big ballon with the number 18 emblazoned on it. Stiles miles and walked over, giving his dad a massive hug.

" Thanks dad, I see we're keeping tradition alive!" Stiles smiled and gestured to the banquet of food.

" Well it's only your eighteenth birthday once! Are the pack still coming round for the party tonight?" Stiles nodded and sat down on one of the chairs.

" In that case I'm going to work the night shift, don't want to disturb your party!" The sheriff chuckled and so did stiles.

They demolished the breakfast and moved onto the presents.

One by one stiles reared his way through the wrapping paper and each time he reacted with a genuine gasp of excitement. He had gone through all the presents expect one.

He took it in his hands and gently shook it, he couldn't hear anything.

" Be careful with that one, it's pretty very special." Whispered the sheriff.

Stiles nodded and slowly undid the wrapping paper. When he took all of it off, it revealed a gorgeous dark wooden box with a silver clasp.

He undid the clasp and opened the kid to the box. He reached into the box and pulled out a bunch of letters tied together with a red bow.

His hands shaking, he undid the bow and layer out the letters. Each of them had a different thing written on the front.

The first one labeled 'Stiles's 18th Birthday' and the final one being labeled 'The Day You Join Me In Heaven'.

Stiles gasped, tears rolling down his face he knew exactly who these were from. He looked at his dad, and saw the man sat there his head in his hands waiting for his son to open the birthday letter.

Stiles did and began to read out loud his voice barely audible.

' My dear son, I fear this is the last birthday I will spend with you. If so I don't want you to receive this letter or any of the other letters until you are 18, that way you've had time to grieve and move on with your life. My little Genim where would I be without you? You make my life 100x better, just by the way you smile and giggle and the way you hold me tight when we cuddle, like you're never going to let me go. I love you more than life itself and I hope one day you can stop seeing what happened to me as a tragedy and realise it was inevitable. Though we had little time together these were the best eight years of my life. The first time I held you, you stopped crying immediately and just looked up at me with gorgeous, brown eyes of yours I fell in love then and there and so did your father. He was as smitten with you as was everyone who met you. I will miss you dearly but I know that your dad and your friends will be there for you forever. I love you honey.

Love your mommy X '

By this point stiles was on the floor sobbing his eyes out. His father got up and sat by his son. He pulled stiles.

Into a hug and gently rocked him back and forth trying to ease his pain. He knew giving stiles the letter was risky but he had to.

He promised Claudia on her last day on earth that he would and that was one promise he would forever keep. He looked down at his son with grief and sadness.

Not only did his wife pass away when stiles was young she passed away on Stiles's birthday.

Each year, Stiles's birthday would come around and whilst on the outside his son looked happy only he could see his sons true pain and grief.

All AloneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon