unrequited love

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The day rolled on uneventfully enough for Stiles, the odd sympathetic glance as if everyone knew his sadness.

He didn't mind though, in fact it was welcoming to know that there were many who despised the packs treatment of him. He was content.

Lunch came and went.

Stiles sat alone in the library, the quiet helped ease his nervousness. For he may have looked confident on the outside he knew what the pack was capable of.

Although he believed they felt dreadful about there behaviour, he knew better.

Surprisingly, Allison joined him for lunch.

He has silently watched her waltz in, eyes darting around only to spot Stiles nestled in the farthest corner.

She made her way over, noticing the warm smile that barely graced his lips.

It was enough, enough to know he was warmed by her arrival.

" Can I sit?" She said softly, gesturing to the chair in front of her.

He simply nodded, an eyebrow quirked, as if questioning her reason to find him.

She sighed.

" I couldn't... I couldn't be around them. The way they treated you and yet I didn't stop them! You suffered for three fucking years because of me yet all you show me is love.. I just.." she trailed off, her voice croaky and eyes threatening to release the tears.

Stiles watched her intently, grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

It was in that second he almost wished he could love Allison.

Love her in the way she deserved.

But Stiles knew another had his heart, even though it was unrequited, it was too strong to ignore.

" Ally.. you have nothing to be sorry for... you were there for me when the rest simply weren't. You're my sister you idiot, if not by blood by love. None of this is your fault." His voice was calm and smooth.

Rather contrasting to his usual personality.

The word usually being used lightly for it seemed this whole affair with the pack had pushed Stiles to help himself.

He took his medication and stayed calm, he wasn't going to let ADHD run his life anymore.

Allison sniffed, rubbing her eyes with a tissue offered by Stiles.

She quickly glanced around, checking they were alone before speaking.

" Do they know?" She whispered.

His eyes filled with recognition, he knew what she was talking about.

" They will soon." was all he said, knowing she would realise his intentions.

He knew Beacon Hills was aware of its thriving supernatural.

But his powers were on a different level.

He sensed that things were coming, he had dreams.

Dreams of a mystery man, of a dark presence and of hope.

The last one was what kept him going through the day.

Allison sat and watched Stiles, she often did this. For a boy who was so open, you couldn't often read him very well.

However one thing she was certain of was his love for a certain dark and broody Alpha. She was well aware that Stiles was Derek's mate.

She noticed the stolen glances between the two at pack meetings, the protective nature of Derek that came out when someone belittled Stiles.

She knew Derek was head over heels for Stiles, and vice versa.

" Are you going to see Derek? You're going to have to tell him someday." She stared at Stiles, registering his crumpled look of surprised.

She smiled, Stiles sure was in love.

" Ho-.. how? How do you know that? I..I... I'm going to see him tonight" He was astonished at Allison's revelation.

How did she know?

" Oh Stiles.. dear... I noticed the stolen glances and little smiles. You two are head over heels for each other. Please tell him tonight. He needs to know everything."

She knew it was for the best, Derek needed to know everything.

" I... I know... How can you be so sure though? I know it's unrequited love.. I don't need a reminder from him.. I.. um.. I will tell him about my gifts though... it seems only fair" he murmured, saddened by his realisation of his unrequited love.

Allison smirked, oh how oblivious Stiles was to Dereks obsession.

She knew that Derek had watched over Stiles every night for the three weeks he had stayed away.

" oh Stiles... you don't know how wrong you are.."

She squeezed his hand, hoping he'd understand before it was too late.

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