little by little

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Stiles had made it over to the loft swiftly after school, his emotions were fluctuating and his palms sweating.

He knocked gently on the door, unaware of the alpha in the loft already pining for him to come in.

"Hello?" Stiles yelled, voice wavering

Derek opened the door, drinking in the sight of his mate. He was undeniably infatuated with the specimen in front of him, no longer the clumsy teen he once was, now a strapping young man, a head of dark hair and a lean body.

He knew tonight was the night he needed to tell him.

"Stiles... Please come, come in" Derek mumbled, rather breathlessly.

Stiles dropped his rucksack by the door, kicking off his shoes and moving to slump in the corner of the couch, his heart going a hundred miles an hour.

Derek followed suit, sitting opposite from Stiles, eyebrows furrowed and his posture tense, so many words sitting on the tip of his tongue, yet in that moment Derek could find none.

" I... I'm so sorry Stiles, if I... if I had any idea about how they had treated you I would've done anything I could to stop it. I... I've let you down" Derek mumbled, running his hands over his face.

" Derek, it wasn't your fault. They chose to act the way they did and they'll reap the consequences. I... um... I need to tell you something." Stiles was now a mess, though he sounded far from it, emitting eloquence and articulation.

Derek simply nodded, leaning back against the couch, the weight of his regret weighing down on him, wishing he could hold Stiles in every way he had dreamed of instead of being a coward and hiding his feelings.

" I'm an oracle."

Dereks eyes widened, how had Stiles managed to hide that?

" You... you are one of the Moon Goddesses' messengers? That's... that's incredible Stiles" Derek had heard about tales of oracles for years, yet dismissed them as just that, tales.

" I.. I can't hide this anymore Stiles."

Stiles' eyebrows furrowed, hide what?

"I... Well we are mates."

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