facing them

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As he lay on his bed, tears flowing freely as he remembered the agony of that night, he knew that there was flicker of hope to reunite with Derek. As well as Peter and Allison.

But what Stiles wasn't aware of was the eyes watching him through his window, in the woods. Derek had done this every night since that fateful incident three weeks ago, him and his wolf couldn't bare the thought of not seeing Stiles, even if he had to resort to watching from the woods.

It may have sounded creepy, but for Derek it was calming to know his love lay safe. Stiles may be in pain now, but Derek knew he could help. Help Stiles get through this.

As the sun rose above Beacon Hills, Stiles lay atop his covers, his pillow stained with his tears.

Derek had only just left, relieved to know Stiles was okay and safe. Bags hung low over Dereks eyes and his once tan skin now was sallow and pale, his body barely awake, a small price to pay to ensure his mate was okay.

He worried however, for he knew that today was the first time Stiles would be going back to school, facing those who had hurt him so much. Tonight he would gather the pack at the loft to find out everything that had really happened, he knew that there was more to this situation than meets the eye and he was desperate to resolve the pain within Stiles.

While Derek worried about Stiles' ability to face the pack, it seemed that Stiles had a different idea.

He had had enough of being shoved around, and today was the day it was going to end. He wasn't going to face the pack as his normal energetic self, he was going to be rude. He was going to be snarky and he was going to stand up for himself. He had had enough.

After showering and getting dressed he made his way downstairs, facing his dad whom he hadn't seen in a number of days.

As he made his way down the stairs, he could already see his dad sat at the end of the table, drinking coffee and browsing the paper. He opened the door to the kitchen a bit further and only then did the Sheriff notice his son.

He sat there, paper in hand and a surprised expression plastered on his face, bemused by the situation.

" Hey Dad " Stiles mumbled, still half asleep, unaware of his dads reaction to his presence. He made his breakfast and sat down next to the Sheriff, raising a brow at his lack of reply.

" um.. hey Stiles. Are you okay? " the Sheriff was rather confused by his sons sudden appearance after such a difficult period.

" peachy.. " The Sheriff shook his head amused, Stiles obviously hadn't lost his wittiness.

" I'm going back to school, they aren't going to walk over me anymore. I.. um.. may even see Derek after school.. I've missed him.. " Stiles voice trailed off at the end, he was nervous at the prospect of seeing him, and most likely Peter as well.

" oh Stiles.. your mother would be so proud of you son.." The Sheriffs voice was barely a whisper, he knew Stiles' affection for Derek, he was the shining light in such a dark time.

Stiles simply smiled, it wasn't a smirk, but a small smile, one the reached his eyes and showed his love. He glanced at the clock on the wall.

It was time.

As the jeep pulled into the parking lot, he knew he would receive a lot of curious looks. It usually isn't practice to simply leave school for three weeks and return with a not bullshit attitude, but hard times call for large measures.

He could see the pack near the entrance, he knew they would've smelt him from a mile away. He didn't shy away from this as he opened the door, he smirked. For once in his life he felt in control, he was strong and he wasn't going to take any shit from now on.

With he bag slung over his shoulder he simply raised an eyebrow at those staring, flashing a small smile at most and getting one in return. Just because his ' best friends ' had treated them like the dog shit on their shoe, didn't mean he wasn't liked otherwise. In fact he was quite popular with most, his sarcasm and wit often brought some humour to an otherwise dull school.

As he neared the steps to the main entrance, the pack has their eyes firmly fixed on him. For once he didn't grimace under the scrutiny but simply stood a little taller, the smirk gradually becoming bigger, he knew they were desperate or talk to him but he wouldn't allow it. Not this time.

He simply ignored them and pushed open the doors, being pulled into the wave of students in the corridor. He was pleased, he had stuck up for himself, even if it was in such a small way.

The pack stood outside, still shocked by Stiles' attitude, he was practically exuding confidence. Scott and the others had expected Stiles to practically beg for their forgiveness the second they saw him, but it seemed Stiles had other plans.

" He just.. he just ignored us? What the fuck? " Scott was the first to voice his thoughts, he was so surprised at Stiles' reaction to the situation.

The others murmured in agreement, still perplexed by what had just occurred. Allison however has a far angrier look gracing her features, how dare they refer to Stiles in such a horrible way after what they put him through.

" What do you actually expect? You all tried him like shit and yet you have that audacity to think that he is just going to crawl back to you? You think he's so fucking weak, but if only you all knew. He has more strength than all of you put together, you may not have noticed it by now, but soon you'll see that in reality you are all the weak ones, afraid that he is special. Well I hope you all realise before it happens.." Allison stormed away, pushing open the door and disappearing into the crowd.

The pack stood completely awestruck, not only by how full of rage and regret Allison was, but by what she had just said.

Sure, they knew Stiles wasn't truly human, but what did she mean he was special?

Allison laughed to herself, if only the pack knew what Stiles had told her only weeks prior, she wouldn't share what he had said, for she valued him greatly unlike them.

She pushed open the door to her first class and took a seat near the back. Allison knew big things were to come, then they would all truly see just how special Stiles is.

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