Flashback Pt3.

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Stiles practically flung himself into his jeep and sped off back home.

He could barely see the road through his tears but he made it home and summoned up all his strength to get inside. He dropped his bag by the door and kicked off his shoes.

He shouted for his dad but then thought back to that morning and realised he was going to be all by himself until the pack came.

He ran into the living room clutching nothing but his phone and collapsed onto the couch.

After s few minutes of crying hope opened his eyes to realise the whole place was decorated for the party. '18!' Balloons hanging every where, food set out, a cooler and a music bit.

He smiled softly at his dad's efforts. Sitting up straight he looked down at his phone.

15 messages from Allison.

6 messages from Scott.

2 messages from Isaac.

He opened them up and read them, most of them reading the same. ' You're still on for the party right?' Or 'Party tonight? You coming?' He looked down and realised maybe they did care just a little bit.

A tiny tiny bit.

He looked at the clock 2:30, his party was starting at 7:00.

Enough time for a sleep he thought, get rid of all the sadness from today.

When stiles woke up it was 8:30, he looked around expecting to see the pack but he saw no one.

He looked at his phone, rubbing his eyes as he did so.

Three missed calls from Allison. Four messages from Isaac. He opened up the messages and read them.

Isaac : where are you?!?!?!?!!??!

Stiles looked at his phone confused, he was at his house where the party was supposed to be happening right now.



Isaac : wtf has happened stiles.....

Stiles stomach dropped when he read that last text.

It wasn't his party they were so excited about. It was Allisons coming home party.

She had returned from Europe three months ago and they chose to have her party today?

He could feel the tears drip down his face as he realised it all.

They truly didn't care.

They couldn't even spare one night of their lives to make stiles feel good and wanted. He was nothing to them to anyone. Slowly he got up, clutching at the couches arm for support and made his way over to the cooler.

He got out a six pack and began to work his way through it. After her finished it he collapsed on the couch, alone, clutching his mom's letter.

* Lydia's house at the same time *

Allisons coming home party was one of the biggest events of the year.

Every one knew about it the day she arrived home. It was 1:30 and the entire senior class and the whole pack - minus Derek and Peter - were raving in Lydia's house.

There was enough alcohol to last for days and everyone was having a great time. One by one people left but there was still a big crowd of them there as it rolled from the night into the next morning.

They didn't stop the party because Lydia's mom came home or because of the alcohol. No they stopped because of the feeling. Every single wolf dropped to the ground clutching at their chests.

Worried teenagers fled the house leaving just the pack. " Someone's..... Someone's hurt in in in the pack......" Cora could barely speak as she gasped for breath. Lydia and Allison gasped.

" Is it Derek or Peter?" Asked Lydia, for once she was sincerely worried. " No... No... It feels like stiles p!" Isaac gasped for breath. " Wait if you can feel it then can Derek and Peter?" Quizzed Allison.

She knew Peter had a soft spot for little stiles and Derek well he was obsessed with stiles.

" Yeh.... Yeh they can! We need to go to Stiles's house right now!" Scott whispered his voice barely audible.

And with that the pack were in the cars and on their way to Stiles's house.

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