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Stiles could feel his heart beating, a million times a minute it seemed. Everything he had so desperately wished for was now being served to him on a silver platter and he debated pinching himself to check he wasn't dreaming.

He finally looked up from his shaking hands to see Derek, still resting oh so comfortably and smirking at the sight of Stiles' utter shock.

" So... where do we go from now? Because... well actually I'm not quite sure.." and with one smooth movement stiles was no longer talking, instead his lips pressed against Derek. 

He could feel Derek smiling into the kiss, but he was even more shocked than before. Derek slowly pulled away. 

" That's where I want to go." Derek smiled but sounded firm, he had waited so long for Stiles and he knew protecting him was his number one priority - especially considering his almost god like position. 

Stiles looked at Derek, the sloping smile on his face something that was rarely ever shown to the outside world yet something Stiles so desperately craved. 

Derek took Stiles' hand into his, encompassing the shaking palm of his mate and he felt content. In this moment, all was right for Derek.

" I understand if you want to take this slow, but you must understand that my wolf has waited so long for this that he wants you to be his straight away, it's just our dominant instincts." Stiles could feel Derek's alpha nature emanating as he spoke of his other side, he understood that once a wolf had found their mate, especially an alpha, separating them was like cutting the wolf in two.

" Yeah, I... I understand and I get that and I'm not really sure what to say and I think I'm rambling and" his voice petered off, but Derek simply smirked, Stiles was his and as long as the sun shone in the sky nothing could change that.

Peter stood at the top of the stairs, happy - for once- that his nephew was finally content. But he knew it couldn't last this way forever, this was Beacon Hills after all. Nothing here lasted. 

" Stiles, tonight the pack are coming for the first meeting since the mountain ash. You can stay if you'd like but I understand if you want to steer clear." Derek felt apprehensive, he knew the pack coming back together could be volatile to say the least. However hearing of Stiles abilities he knew that over time, the pack would be able to sense the power emanating from him, for whatever stupid reason they would come up with.

"They'll be able to sense the power soon, Stiles. You'll be able to sense it soon as well, you know whats happening in August." Stiles face soured, the beacon would be strongest in August, then Stiles' power would be clear to all the supernatural around - even if they didn't know why.

"Can you control the abilities yet?" Derek was nervous, for once, to be an oracle was to be a moving target no matter how praised the moon goddess was, she would always have her enemy's- meaning Stiles would be an easy way to get to her.

" Sorta, they usually show when I'm emotional but I don't know how I'm going to learn. I've seen her before and she speaks to me about things that make my head spin." Stiles rubbed his hands down his face, he didn't know whether telling Derek the full truth would be best or would push him further into worry.

"She... she wants to bestow god-like abilities upon me, I just... I don't understand why she wants me to be her equal we all know what that means, policing this fucked up supernatural society. I'll be surrounded by the worst of us until the day i renounce it, it's fucking with my head. I can barely take care of myself how am i meant to be the enforcer of the supernatural world?" The words tumbled out of Stile' mouth quicker than he could even process them, the weight on his shoulders lighting with each sentence. 

Derek sat there, his eyes wide, his mind soaking in every word that Stiles had just said. He lent back against the couch, this was bigger than him, than the pack, bigger than Beacon Hills and every creature in it.

" Whatever you choose, I'll be here, with you, all the way." 

Whilst he didn't say much, Derek knew actions spoke louder than words and as stiles lent his head on his shoulder, that saying was proved oh too well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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