I don't get Science all together.

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I heard this constant beeping as my alarm went off. I felt my hand hit the off button as I got up. I stood up to feel an aching pain on my wrist as I used my hand to push me up. Yet again, I've got more bruses on me. I didn't want to be late for school so I got ready as quiet as possible so I didn't wake up my step-dad. He hated me with a passion. Since my mum died suddenly and I didn't know where my dad was he was my legal carer. I hated him so much. He hurt's me everytime he is angry. Im like a punch bag to him. | thought to myself that it was my last year at Brunts then you will be leaving. See also with the problems at home I'm also bullied at school. I'm not the person to shout about my problems. I just wanted to be out of the way and alone.

I brushed my teeth and put my hair up into a bobble then grabbed my breakfast buiscuits as I headed out of the door. I was just glad that he wasn't awake yet so I could get out before anything happend. I walked to the top of the hill and there was my school. The Brunts Academy. The green of my blazer showed the green of the signs. I just walked into my tutor room to see no one was there. My tutor, Miss Blake had now retired so I was getting a new tutor. Miss Blake knew of my mum's passing but I hadn't told her the recent happenings at home.

I sat im my chair and got my sketch book out and started drawing. I just liked doing little drawings. It kept me happy and not bored. I would draw anything from flowers to my horse Bex. She has a cheeky personallity and a very beautiful black and white cob. I had just finished a little sketch of her as I heard the door click open as everyone came piling in to the bell ringing in my ears.

Everyone looked up at me and gave me looks. I had no-one to talk to. No-one who actually cared about me. I felt a paper ball being thrown at me as it hit my back. I looked up to see the new teacher walk in. He had a black suit on with his hair all spiked up and a nice smile. He looked very young though to be a science teacher.

"Good Morning everyone, My name is Mr Sykes and I will be your Tutor. Lets get going with the regester shall we?" Everyone sat down then he started calling out everyone's names then it came to mine,

"Abbie-Jayne" I hated it so much. It just reminded me of my mum's name. She called me Abbie because of her cousin who passed away at a young age and her name in the middle. "Sir, I do respond to Aj. I prefere to be called that. If you don't mind." He looked at me and smiled "Ok, thats fine Aj. Thank you for telling me that". He carried on down the regester as I clicked on to his accent. Gloucester. I remembered it from when my mum was alive. She was from there. It made me think back to her.

Mr Sykes started handing out our time tables for this year, as he came to mine, he smiled at me as I said thank you. I felt someone flick a piece of paper on my neck and I did feel yet another bruse on there. I didn't notice that one. I winced in pain as I felt it burn badly. Mr Sykes looked up at me and I smiled back my usual fake smile. It was good enough for Miss Blake so hopefully it should be good enough for him right. I just hoped that. The bell rang but I didn't move. I had Biology first with Mr Sykes. Great.

As everyone filled in, he started handing out our work folders for the year with the text books so we could get started on our work.

"Hello everyone. My name is Mr Sykes and I will be your science teacher this year. Any problems with work, please don't be afraid to ask for help. That is what I am here for okay."

The whole class nodded including myself as I took out my pen and started work. Mr Sykes started talking about Photosinthesis and the chemical equation for it. I wrote all the notes down and when it came to the summary questions that was where I started to struggle. I have never been the best at science. Give me Art any day. Mr Sykes looked over to me as he walked over.

"Are you ok with this?" he asked me

"No Sir. Im really struggling with this Sir. I've always struggled with science." I looked at him as he understood what I said then he started to explain it in a differnt context, He drew out the diagrams in a better way and as he did he explained what shows the denaturing of the enzymes and what graph showed Carbon Dioxide, Temperature and light. I felt a little better with it but I still wasn't confident and he could tell.

As the lesson contined on into the second lesson he started on about enzymes. I soon zoned out into my own little world and started doodling. I couldn't focus on it. I just didn't understand any of this. I just didn't understand science. Mr Sykes looked over at me and once he set a question for everyone he came and sat with me.

"Aj, are you ok? Are you stuck on this?" he looked at my work and saw the drawings of Bex I did and looked back at me.

"I'm really stuck Mr Sykes. I don't understand this at all" He looked back at me and smiled. We started talking about the work then I finally started to understand it a little more. I wrote the answer down to the question as Mr Sykes left me to do it.

When everyone was done, he asked for some people to read out their answers, he was worried as people wern't getting to the point and were not being clear with their answer. He looked up to me "Aj, can you read yours out please."

"Are you sure Sir. It's not very good" I looked back to him and he gave me a little smile.

"The temperature does change the enzyme as at the highest temperature 60 degrees c the enzyme becomes denatured due to the active nsite denaturing as the bonds break. At the low temperature of 25 degrees c it took 60 seconds as th4 kinetic energy they has was low so their collisions won't be as powerful. At, 25 degrees c the time decreases showing a speed in chemical reaction but at 40 degrees c it is the fastest as there is lots of kinetic energy giving them energy to collide with enough force to react."

I looked back at Mr Sykes who had a big smile on his face "That was a perfect answer. It was detailed and it used all of the results from the table and graph. In an exam that would get 6 out of 6 because of the information she included. She included the change in active site, the kinetic energy, the collosions. It was a good answer"

I looked back at my answer as Mr Sykes asked us all to pack up ready for break, was that answer really that good? I kept questioning myself as Lizzie came over to me. She hated me with a passion.

"Wow, look who it is. It's little miss smarty pants, sucking up to the new teacher. Well, look who is more of a smarite than ever. Its little Aj or should I say, the unwanted person in this world. Even her Mum killed herself to get away from you." She started to walk off laughing to herself. I just ran out of the room, getting looks from everyone as the bell went.

I just sat under a tree away from everyone. The one spot that I could sit to and relax. I brought out my sketch pad and started drawing again.

By the time the bell went I had drew a sketch of my mum in good detail. I really missed her in times like this. I just wanted her to be here with me but I knew that it would never come ture. I walked into Maths to be greeted by Mr George who looked at me a little worried. I still had the look of sadness and tear stains on my clothes as I sat down to start the lesson on simultanious equations.

By the time it came to the last question for me there was a knock on the door and Mr Sykes walked in. Mr George started talking to him then the both looked at Lizzie then at me. I spun back to my work as I finally finished the questions. By that time Mr Sykes had left with Lizzie, Mr George looked at me and gave me a reasuring smile.

He checked my work and he was happy with it. He let me do some sketches since he knew that it relaxed me a lot. I looked to the door to see that Mr Sykes had returned and he asked to talk to me. Lizzie gave me a look as I walked past her. Once we got outside the classroom he started to speak.

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