Static Electricity.

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After school tday was my first session with Mr Sykes. I gathered up my folders and text books then snuck out of the house before my step-dad woke up. I managed to get to school early in the morning and just decided to sit in tutor. I dug out my sketch pad from my bag and started a new drawing. Quicket than I thought the bell went and everyone filed into the room, including Mr Sykes. He looked up at me and smiled. He did the regester and while everyone was chatting he came over to me, leaning over from tthe other side of the desk.

"How are you this morning Aj. Still okay for our session tonight. Don't forget it's Physics. Have you brought your things with you?"

"I'm ok. I'm still on for the session tonight and I have got my things with me for Physics."

"Would you like to leave them here till after school?" I looked back at him as I passed him my things. It was just my folder and text book but at least I knew that I wouldn't loose it or forget it anywhere. He said Thank you as he walked back to his cuboard and locked them away. The bell went so I headed to lesson. English with Mr Parker. 

I walked in and sat in my usual spot at the front of the class. Mr Parker looked up and smiled at me as he passed me my last coursework piece. I looked on the piece of paper and saw that I had achieved 100% so that was A*. Once Mr Parker had done the regester he started his lesson. 

"I marked your last coursework pieces and some were not very good. You need to get into the character's mind. Think about how they feel and act with other's. It's you who has created the characters, it's up to you what situation you put them in. I think some of you are not allowing the imagination to flow, others are just not allowing it at all. I'm going to give you time now to look through and then at home rewrite the whole thing out then I will take them in next week." 

Mr Parker walked over to me with a smile on his face. "Well done Aj, I really felt your character's pain and the imagination in that was amazing. You deserve that grade, it's the best in the class. Why don't you take this lesson and read through it then while the other's are working, I could come and sit with you and give you something to do. Okay?" I smiled back to him and started to read back through it. I based my character on myself and just included a sad part of my life. It must have been that good to get the grade it did. 

Mr Parker soon sat down next to me and started on the next scheme of work. After he just let me chill for a while. I got out my sketch pad and started to finish the drawing from this morning. It took a while due the amazing detail I had added but I finished it by the time the bell went. Another detailed sketch of my horse with me on top of her. Bex was the last thing my mum left me. She would always take me out with her on her back so I just wanted to still have the memory of my mum.

I went to my usual place at break and just sat and had a breather. The shock of my english grade made me have a little more confidence but English had always been one of my strong points. The bell went so I headed to maths. Another slow lesson. Well that was basically my day, slow. From finishing my work to just chilling out. Thats my day most days. The bell went for home time but instead of following everyone out of the school gates I headed to the science labs to my tutoring session with Mr Sykes.

He smiled at me as I walked through the door. He had my folder and text book out on the desk with a practical set out thurther away. I sat in my usual space and he came and took the seat next to me. Tonight was Physics, the topic was static electricity. Fantastic I thought in a sarcastic way but I enjoyed practicles so it might help me understand the consept better.

"Sir, we haven't covered this in class yet." I looked back at him with the expression of confusion as he soon cleared my thoughts.

"I know, we are covering it tomorrow but I would like you to try and understand it so you won't be confused tomorrow. I could just give you some questions and from these notes, it might help you more. Yeah?"

"Yep." I smiled back as we got to work.

We started from the text book and then the most strangest experiment I have ever been involved in. 

"Aj can you rip this paper into the smallest of pieces possible please?" I looked at him very very confused but I did as I was asked. There was a knock on the door as the head of science walked in.

"How's it going? I hope this is helping you Aj." I looked back to him as he peared through the door. 

"Yep, it's helping a lot. I'm understanding it so much more now."

"That's good to hear. I will see you tomorrow Mr Sykes."

"Yep, see you tomorrow."

"Bye Aj" 

I looked back and waved to him as he left the room. 

We carried on the lesson where we looked at why the tiny pieces of paper lift up after rubbing a cloth on the rod. It was all about the electrons, plus we looked at the current and things like that. For the first time, I was actually enjoying science. It was fun with Mr Sykes, hes a good teacher. 

After finishing the last notes, I packed up ready to go home. 

"Do you understand it better now Aj? Are these sessions helping?" He looked in to my eyes as a smile grew. 

"I actually understand it better now, these sessions are helping me a lot. Thanks Mr Sykes." 

"Your welcome, it's nice to sit with someone who likes to learn eventhough she struggles and don't worry about Lizzie ok, I have managed to move her into a differnt science group so you won't be upset by her in my lessons ok."

"Thank you." I waved bye and started to walk home.

The one thing I didn't want to walk in to when I got through the door was my step-dad but that back fired as I entered the door.

"Where have you been and don't lie to me?" I heard his voice bellow from the kitchen

"I've been at school and I have had a revision session with my science teacher."

He looked at me in shame as the beer bottle in his hand came plumiting to the floor. 

"You, come here anmd clean this up. This is what you have made me do. You need to learn that you do not break the rules of the house and you have." 

I went and grabbed the dust pan and brush as I walked back and cleaned up the mess on the floor. I felt a huge pain in my side as he kicked me to the floor. I was sure there would be a bruse there by tomorrow. I slowly rose up from the ground as I felt a hit from the side of my face. The pain was unbareable. I went upstairs and locked my door. I heard him come upstairs as he started to bang on the door. I had no-one to call, no-one to save me. I was trapped in my room. 

I couldn't eat because I had nothing in my bag and I couldn't get to the kitchen. I just wanted to have a better life. I hid under my bed as I kept hearing the bangs on the door. I just hoped that the lock would hold, if not then I wouldn't be breathing for much longer. 

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