Where are you Aj? (Nathan's P.O.V)

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I woke up the next morning to a quiet house. I didn't have that in a while. I looked over to my bedside table to see a letter and what looked like a drawing. The pencil marks shaped to creaye the picture Jay took of me, Aj and Bex. I opened the letter and emidiatly felt conserned as the letters formed the letters in Aj's writing style. 

Dear Nathan,

Thank you for your kindness. No one has ever showed me something so precious in a long time. I needed to go and get my space. I never meant to bring you in to the mess of my life and I'm so so sorry it has to be like this. I don't want him to find me and I also don't want him to hurt you. I would rather you be safe and to have a happy life than be protecting me from my horrid life. I'm sorry for bringing you in to this.

Thank you for everything. I really care about you. 

Don't forget me  


I felt a tear come down from my eyes as I read te letter. I called Jay straight away and let him know that she is out on her own, he told me to stay at home but my mind was too full of worry to listen. The last thing I told him was that I was heading and I put the plone down and texted Aj 

Where are you Aj, I'm worried about you. Just let me know you are okay. Nxxx 

I was worrying like a parent as I raced to the car without eating. If I knew one place she might have been then it would have been the stable. 

I got out and rushed to type the code in. I saw Amber in tears as Bex's stable was empty. 

"Amber, are you ok?" 

"No. Aj left me this. Where is she Nathan?"

"I really don't know. Can I have a look at that?"


Amber went back and started tacking Billie-Jo up. As I read her letter I noticed something.

Dear Amber,

Me and Bex have taken a little trip out to help clear my head. It's been a year with out my mum now and I just need to be with her. I can't wait to see that little cabin again. I just need to be in that one safe spot. Look after BJ and thank you for always being there for me.

All my love


I kept reading it over and over. Then it clicked.

"Amber, you know this little log cabin Aj mentions, do you know where it is?"

"I've been out riding with her a lot it's where we do our CAMP OUTS"

Amber shouted the last part as she realised we may still find them. She saddled up straight on to Billie Jo and told me to jump on behind her. We soon bolted off into the direction of the twisting trees of the forest. I noticed hoof prints in the mud and we soon stopped. We looked down as we reaconised the size of them, Bex's hoof prints. We followed them as far as they would take us.

The prints became shallow as we came up to the most beautiful log cabin with flowers around it like a blanket. I looked over to the stable on the side to see Bex hanging her head over. If Bex was here then Aj  would be to. 

Amber headed over to Bex as I went towards the door. I gently tapped on the door and with in a minut a sleepy figure came to the door, Aj.

"How did you find me?"

"I read Amber's letter and then she realised where you were. Are you okay?" 

I saw the tear stains on her cheeks as Amber came round from the horses. 

"Aj, I was so worried about you. Never scare le like that again." Amber said in relief that Aj was okay. 

"Me too. Aj you are in big trouble. Jay is proberly freaking out about where you are."

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to get hurt Nathan. I care about you a lot."

"I know, come here." 

I held out my arms to give her a big hug. She started crying into my chest. I was just glad she was safe. I fent my phone vibrate as I saw Jay's name" come up on the screen. I let her go and Amber and Aj went and sat inside where it was a bit warmer as I closed the door I answered the phone.


"Nathan, where are you? I asked you to stay at home."

"I know and I'm sorry but I've found her and she is fine. Me and Amber are with her now. Jay it's been a year since her mum passed away. I think we need to take it easy on her."

"Where are you both. I will come and have a chat with you both." 

"We are at a log cabin on the otherside of the forest."

"I know which one, stay where you are and I can't garentee I will take it easy Nathan. She has risked her saftey."

"Just don't go scaring her please."

We said our bye's and I walked over to the girls. 

"Jay is coming over Aj, he was worried about you. Get some rest babe you look like you need it." 

I tucked her in and she quickly went to sleep. Amber told me that she needed to go because her mum was coming to pick her up. I invited her round at any time to see Aj. I knew that Aj needed the support right now. We said our good byes and as she galloped off Jay arrived at the cabin. 

"Nathan, tell me what has exactually happend to make her go off like this." 

Once his eyes scanned round the room he realised why I said to him to take it easy on her. The photos of a little girl a horse and her mum were scattered round the room then their was the up to date ones of me and her. 

"We need to get her back when she waked up. A trailer is here now to take Bex baxk to the stable."

"I'll load Bex up."

I walked out and got Bex up in to the trailer. The woman from the stable saw me and reaconised me from when I was with Aj so she let me load Bex up. I promised Bex that no matter what I would look after her. I waved them off and went back inside. It was turning cold and dark so I needed to get Aj out so instead of waking her up. I lifted he off of the sofa and carried her into Jay's car. He put her bags in the back as I rwsted her head on to my lap for support. 

The quiet snores coming from her button nose were relaxing very relaxing. Once we got back to mine, Aj had started to wake up. When she saw Jay she held on to me tight. 

"Jay please, it's all my fault. I needed some space to think. My step-dad keeps getting in to my head. I'm so scared he will take me. Please don't take Nath away"

"Hey, don't worry. I understand why you needed space but by not telling anyone could have put you at risk."

"I know and I am really really sorry. Is Bex okay?" 

"You and that horse." JAy remarked. 

"Aj- she is perfectly fine. I got someone from the stable to come and pick her up. She is most proberly with Billie-Jo in the warmth of her Bex and that is where you need to be chick." 

"Okay, night everyone." 

"Night Aj" 

Aj walked upstairs as we started to chat about what will happen now. A sudden scream came from upstairs. I bolted up to see her step-dad hold a knife to her neck. His hand clasped around her mouth. Tears falling from Aj's eyes as she saw me stood their. A glitter of hope came to her eye as her eyes saw my figure and then Jay's as I felt his behind me. 


Hey everyone, 

Thank you for reading so far. I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am writing it. 

If you want help with any of your books, just drop me a message on my message board or on twitter. @Anna_May_K

Love u all 

Anna-May X

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