The Irreversible Reaction

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Today was the day of the trial. Today was the day that I would hopefully feel safe going places and not having the nightmare of him finding me or hurting me again. Nathan was sat on my left and Amber was on my right. Jay was sat next to Nathan and everyone from the stable was here as well. As the Judge walked in we were all told to stand then the judge told us to sit down. The case had officially begun.

I was sat their for what felt like hours then the dreaded moment came, 

"Can Abbie-Jayne please take the stand"

I slowly walked down and past the figure of hate. He banged on the glass and that sent me shaking.

"Can the defendent please calm down." The judge called out.

I took my place on the stand and did all that thing with the bible then it started.

"Abbie-Jayne, can you tell me what happend the night before you told Mr Sykes what was happening to you?"

"I got home late that night after having a study session back at school. I walked in and he asked from the kitchen where I was. I did tell him where I was, he looked at me discusted and then dropped the beer bottle in his hand. I could smell the alcohol on him and when he dropped the beer bottle he blamed it on me. He got me to clear it up as I broke the rules of the house. He took this oppotunity to kick me and hurt me really bad. I didn't eat that night as I was in so much pain and I didn't want to be beaten any more that night." I started crying at the memory of that night. 

"Abbie-Jayne, can you tell the court why you told Mr Sykes and no-one else about what was happening to you at home?"

"Mr Sykes helped me with my science work. I could see that he cared that I was hurt. I hadn't seen that look since my mum died. I could see that I could trust him."

"Okay. Abbie-Jayne, can you tell the court about the night you was shot by the defendent?"

"I headed upstairs after a long day and when I went in to the room and walked towards the closet. I saw him jump out and grab me badly. He held a knife to my neck and put his hand over my mouth as I yelped for help. He walked me out of the room where Nathan and Jay saw me and tried to get him to let go. Jay left and when he came back I was pulled into the bathroom. He tied me up and gagged me. I felt like I was there forever. As the door opened I heard a bang and I soon felt dizzy and I colapssed on the floor. Blood was seeping through my side. I felt my eyes closing and then it went black." I cried harder as the memory of that night haunted me more and more. 

"Thank you Abbie-Jayne, you may now sit down. I would like to call Mr Nathan James Sykes to the stand please"

Nathan walked past me and told me how proud he was of me. As I sat back down Nathan had taken his place on the stand.

"Mr Sykes, can you tell me why you offered Abbie-Jayne extra science sessions please?"

"Well I could see she was struggling with her work but she was also very gifted and I didn't want her pertential to go to waste and fail her exam so I spoke to the head of science to see what I could do and he mentioned that I would be the best person to tutor her so, I took the responsibility"

"Right, Can you tell the court what happend the morning Abbie-Jayne came in to school after the beating that the defendent gave to her. The one she described to the court."

"Aj came in to the tutor room that morning with her sketch book placed over her face. I knew she was hiding something as she only whispered back a simple responce. I walked over to her and moved her sketch pad to see her eye was black and blue. I went and got a cold tissue and handed it to her and told her to hold it where I had placed it. It took me a while but she finally trusted me enough to tell me everything. I explained to her that I would need to speak to someone in a highter position to sort it out but I did notice that she had a pain in the side of her chest. She showed me and it had a big bruse on it. After the Head teacher came in he told me to take her to the hospital for treatment."

"Yes Mr Sykes we have the report fom the doctor." The lawer waked over to the judge and handed hiim both of my medical notes and then he turned to Nathan.

"Thank you Mr Sykes, you may return to your seat."

Nathan came over to me and gave me a smile. 

"I don't need the jury's decision on this as it is an open and shut case. The defendent is going to be jailed for life on the charges of physical abuse on a minor and physical abuse plus a attempted murder charge. The defendent wil;l now be spending life in prisonment due to the injuries he caused and the inflicted suffuring to Abbie-Jayne and as ti Abbie-Jayne, I hope you will sleep better and have a happy life away from him."

As we left the court Jay walked up and told me his job was done but he will still come and see us as friends but their was one thing I wanted to do for him. 

"Jay, can you come with me for a second?"

"Sure, What's wrong Aj?"

"Jay. Meet Kim. Kim meet Jay."  

I introduced them two and they seemed to be happy enough chatting. Nathan walked up behind me and placed his arms round me. 

Nath-"They both deserve to be happy together."

Aj-"Yeah they do don't they. It's strange to think that now you won't be my teacher. What will happen to me Nathan?"

Nath-"You can always stay with me. You are always welcome and I kind of need to admit something to you."

Aj-"What is it Nathan?"

Nath-"When I said I love you. I meant it I really do. When I nearly lost you, I couldn't face loosing you. Will you be my girl?"

Aj-"Nathan, I will always be your girl."

I felt Nathan pull me close and our lips connected in to perfect sync. I felt happy. I didn't feel scared to talk to people anymore as I had Nathan. I had the one person who saved me from harm and he gave me a new lease of life. I life where I wouldn't get hurt. 

We both went back home and had a long talk on the front garden. Bex was happy grazing in the field. It was perfect. I was finally in the place my mum wanted me and with the only thing my mum had left me then I had Nathan. I couldn't be happier. 

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