Us Against The World

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The day came for me to go home. I was just so glad that I didn't have to be looking at these four walls again for hopefully a long time. I knew that I would have to have regular check ups but I just hoped that I wouldn't need to stay in again.

"How are you feeling this morning Aj? Ready to go home?"


"Well I just need to do the routeed check ups okay?"


He started the usual check ups so my temperature, my blood pressure, he checked the stitches and re-dressed the wound again and then he gave Jay clear instructions and then gave Jay a printed out sheet for Nathan since he was the one taking care of me. I started packing my bag but Jay ended up finishing as he just wanted me to relax. If Jay was like this then I wondered if Nathan would be worse. Well only time will tell.

"Well I am happy for you to go home but I need you to rest. Don't over work anything and no riding for a while. Just till the stickes have healed okay"

"Yep, thanks doc."

"It's okay"

Once the doctor had filled in the release form and me and Jay signed it, I could finally leave. The doors finally swung open as I walked showly outside and in to Jay's car. I was just ready to leave that place. The ride home though seemed to be a long one. We passed Nathan's house and I couldn't understand understand where I was going. I looked over at Jay and then looked at the window. The tears in my eyes started to reflect on the glass as I realised that I wouldn't see Nathan again. The one person at school who I could trust, who kept me safe, who made me happy. I felt Jay's eyes on me as I just glared out of the window. I juts closed my eyes and soon fell asleep. I just felt tired from the medication and the whole ordeal that I have experienced.

I felt Jay shake me awake as he handed me a scalf. He put it round my eyes and I was soon plunged back in to darkness. All he whispered was "It's a surprise for you" and that was it.

He lead me along the pavement and then up a step. I heard the door open and the warmth was so inviting. The smell of pizza was running through the place. Jay released the blindfold for my eyes to be set on to the inside of the log cabin. The old pictures of me and my mum up on the wall then there was all of mine and Nathan's things in there with the TV, the sofa and the place was just beautiful. It felt like home. Nathan walked up and I just jumped into his arms. I really thought that I was never going to see him again.

He let me go and started to give me a tour of the house. The living room looked amazing, the log fire was lit and burning brightly, the kitcken cubards were full of food and plates and other items, a table was set in the middle and as I headed upstairs the two rooms now had our beds in and our things. It was perfect but I just felt this empty feeling. This was what my mum wanted, the most perfect cabin and for me to be happy.

Nathan helped me back downstairs as Jay said bye and left us to alone. Nathan had set up Pizza and plenty of snacks plus a movie was set on the screen, War Horse, my favourite movie of all time. This was perfect. There was only one little figure missing from this place now.

I walked over to the kitchen window to see an empty stable. Bex wasn't here. Now I know it doesn't feel right. Nathan walked up behind me and followed my gase to see an empty stable.

"Don't worry, she is fine. I checked on her this morning. Come on lets watch the movie yeah?"


I curled up with Nathan as he placed a blanket on me, the grabbed the remote and pressed play. I grabbed some pizza and by the end of the film the food was gone. I turned over to Nathan who looked back at me and smiled. I stood up but soon fell back in pain, the wound was still painful and I must have stood up too quickly as my head felt dizzy and unbareable. Nathan pulled the blanket back over me as he went for my painkillers. He went to the sink and brought a glass of water out. 

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