Make it Right (Nathan's P.O.V)

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The police finally arrived but for Aj I feared it was too late. I heard a bang of a gun echo through the house. The police quickly got into the bathroom and grabbed hold of him and took him out in hand cuffs. I went down to Aj who was now spralled out on the floor. I held my had over the wound that was covered in blood. He shot her. I couldn't believe him. I could see Aj's eyes slowly closing as her body was wanting to give up and shout down.

"Aj, please I need you to keep your eyes open. I can't be without you. I love you Aj. I really care about you. Please don't leave me. Please" 

I looked into her eyes and she whispered "I love you too" then her eyes slowly started closing. The paramedics soon arrived and one moved me out of the way so they could get to work on her. They put needels into her skin, a hear rate monitor was put on her chest and a mask on her face. Then they moved her in to the ambulance and I jumped in next to her. I held her limp hand as Jay shouted see ya at the hospital. The doors slammed shut as the Ambulance spead off into the night, with me and Aj on board. 

The hospital swung in to life when she arrived. The doors bashed against the wall as she was taken straight through to surgery. I wanted to go with her but the doctor said no. I gave her one last kiss on the forehead as the doctor took her in to surgery. Jay came up behind me as I watched her go in towards the thin life line of life or death. I hoped it was life. 

Jay lead me to a chair as we had the long wait for news. I kept thinking alsorts of bad things. Will she make it? What else could I have done? 

"Jay this is all my fault. If I hadn't have found her and brought her home then she would be safe and not here."

"It's not your fault Nathan, it's his fault for hurting her and I am doing everything to get him behind bars. I promise."

"What else could I have done? She will be taken away from me now, won't she?"

"Nathan there is nothing you could have done. I'm not going to let Aj be with anyone else."

"Thank you."

"Nath, get some sleep ok. I will let you know if the doctor comes"

I settled myself down on the most uncomfortable chair in the world and soon found myself in a deep sleep. I couldn't sleep. I soon woke up screaming from a nightmare. What am I on about, I am living in a nightmare at the moment. I closed my eyes again and soon fell into the darkness of sleep.

I felt Jay shake me awake as the Doctor came towards us.

"Will she be okay Doctor?"

"She has lost a lot of blood but she is lucky that the bullet didn't hit any arteries or nerves. It will be a while but she will recover. She is currently in recovery until she is ready to go on to the ward. Once her strenght has built up then she may go home."

"Thank you doctor. May I ask will she be able to ride horses again?"

"In time. She will need to have plenty of bed rest plus a lot of love and attention to build up her strength. Then she will need to have her stitches removed and then slowly bring her back in to it. Light work to start with and no jumping for a while."

"Okay. Thank you Doctor"

"Your Welcome, you may go and see her now." 

"Thank you." 

The doctor went over and spoke to Jay and the police officer that must have arrived while I was talking to the doctor. I went down the hall way and then came to her room. Her body was lying flat with tubes in her arm to replace the blood that was lost and a mask on her face to irreverse the reaction of the anasthetic they gave her. I walked over and held her hand in mine.

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