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Elizabeth (1994)

"Why can't you be more like your sister Elizabeth" Mrs. Taylor shakes her head as she points out the difference between Jackies immaculately packed suitcase as hers is, well.. Messy.

Elizabeth sighs, shaking her head as her mother walks out of her room; slinging her backpack on her shoulder, she zips her suitcase and pulls it off the bed. Letting out a shaky breath, she stared at her reflection in the mirror; she could already feel the shakiness of her hands, and her breath caught in her throat. Quickly she pulls the brown bottle of pills from her back, taking one.

Looking at the bottle, she could see only ten pills left; shrugging it off, she figured she got a new prescription when she returned from the short trip. 

"Let's go, girls!" Their mother shouted from downstairs as Jackie skipped happily into their room to grab her suitcase."

"You ready to be a National champion?" She smiles excitedly.

"This is wicked," Natalie smirks, looking around the private plane Lottie's dad had gotten them.

"I can't believe your dad paid for a private plane.." Van smiles as she shoves her bag above her seat.

"It's pretty much his only form of parenting, but I guess I'll take it." Lottie shrugs, following the others as she sits down.

"Well, thank you, Mr. Matthews," Van and Elizabeth say synchronously before looking at each other with wide eyes.



"You strike me as a window seat person; you know that's the most dangerous seat on a plane," Van smirks.

"Yet another thing to add to your listen of problems with me, Palmer"

They both roll their eyes before grabbing their bags and going to opposite ends of the plane, as far away from one another as possible.

"Alright, ladies, hustle up, take a seat. We've got a long flight"

Jackie turns around in her seat to meet her sisters' eyes before handing her a white pill, "Sipped these from mom's medicine cabinet – I don't want you running out of your anxiety meds.... And I know how you are on planes.." She whispers as the pill sits unsteadily in Elizabeth's hand. Jackie gives her one last smile before she takes it dry.

As the teams laughing, gossiping, and singing fade away from Elizabeth, her eyes begin to get heavy as the plane begins to take off – the Valium starts to kick in.


" Fuck, oh my god—"

"—Help! I'm stuck! Hel—"

"Oh my god, oh my—"

The rising thrum of screams is what jars Elizabeth awake.

Even then, she's not fully conscious—stuck in that sticky in-between where everything feels like it's moving in slow motion, and she's not fully sure if she's still dreaming. Despite the amount of effort it takes, she slips in and out a couple of times before finally opening her eyes.

"What the fuck.." She groans. One side of her head is throbbing, and warm blood trickles down her forehead and cheek. When Elizabeth tentatively presses her fingers, they come back covered in blood, followed by an accompanying tenderness even from the light touch.

"ELIZA" she heard Jackie's voice scream as the plane began to shake uncontrollably; looking out the window, she watched with wide eyes as trees barreled through at an inhuman speed.

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