18. The Wolves of Isengard.

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Háma and Gamling ride to the front of the column. Legolas stands a small distance away, scanning the surroundings. Thilia paces on her horse a few feet behind him, watching the two men scout ahead. She can smell death and malice on the air and it has put her on edge. When the two scouts turn a bend in the outcrops of stones. She decides regardless of the outcome she's going to make sure that her friends are prepared.

Calling to Legolas in Elvish letting him know that he should expect an attack and to cover for the retreating forms of the scouts. Racing towards Aragorn and Boromir who rode a bit ahead of the King, she told them what she could smell and sense and they nodded. "I'll get Gimli," he said and she nodded.


Háma, one of the scouts could sense something was wrong and so could his horse. The creature was whinnying and screaming to leave the area, "What is it? Háma?" Gamling asked his own horse just as freaked out but he wasn't listening to it. Their horses grew even more restless. "I'm not sure." Háma said as he looked around, a scouting Warg rider having seen the two men, attacked without hesitation.

The Warg surged forward and was Háma was killed. Gamling in anger at the death of his comrade fights with the scout. Legolas hearing the sounds of battle came running in and shoots the Warg with his bow. Legolas kills the scout shortly after, but not before he yells out. "A scout!" Thilia having feared this, was already preparing for the rest of the hunting party that was bound to come.

Having been between Legolas and the two Rohan scouts and the rest of the people, she turned her horse to head towards the King who raced towards her, "What is it? What do you see?" he asked worriedly, "Wargs! We are under attack!" she says sharply. The villagers panic. Théoden not wanting to let more panic spread, turns to his warriors. "All riders to the head of the column!" he ordered.

"C'mon get me up here, I'm a fighter. Argh!" getting boosted up onto his shared horse, nearly fell off the other side. Men and horses moving around the people of Rohan, rush to their King's side to meet the Wolves. Legolas spots the Warg pack running towards them. The King rushing to his niece, gives her; her orders. "You must lead the people to Helm's Deep and make haste." but she wants to stay, "I can fight!" his head snaps back town to her, "No! You must do this — for me."

He doesn't give her the option to argue as he takes off. "Follow me! Argh!" the King orders. "Forward, forward, march forward." Gimli urges his horse but because of the size difference of Gimli to Legolas the Dwarf is struggling. "Make for the lower ground. Stick together!" the young maiden orders. Thilia with her horse turning and angling gives Thilia and Èowyn a chance to exchange looks. When Thilia's horse turns again their gazes brake and Thilia sets off to battle.

Legolas stands alone, shooting at the Wargs and their riders. The column of riders appears behind him. When Gimli's horse is near, Legolas swings himself up on the horse's back. Wargs and Rohirrim run towards each other, swords drawn. The Warg riders and the Rohirrim crash at full speed. They fight. Thilia at some point dismounted and was stabbing and slashing at anything that got too close to her.

Many Wargs and their riders are killed. Gimli falls off the horse and a Rider-less Warg heads towards him. "Bring your pretty face to my axe!" Legolas shoots the Warg as it attacks, before Gimli has the chance to kill it himself. "Argh! That one counts as mine!" Gimli growls. Turning to get into another fight he kills a Warg that then lands on him. "Argh! Stinking creature. Argh!" Gimli gasps as he tries to push it up. Suddenly a rider appears over the dead Warg.

Gimli snaps the Orc's neck to defend himself. Gimli tries to lift both creatures, but another Warg crawls into view, growling. Boromir seeing this, picks up and throws a used spear from the body of a dead enemy and throws it at the Warg, killing it. Thus trapping Gimli under three dead bodies. Théoden and Aragorn kill Wargs and riders. Boromir after saving Gimli is riding beside Legolas the two of them working together. With Thilia a Warg jumps her and she falls over.

She jumps up as the same Warg chargers her. Holding onto the straps of the crude saddle she fights with the rider. Thilia is hit by the orc and falls of to the side. Her hand is caught in the harness of the Warg, and she gets dragged along. She fights with the orc throwing him off. As the Warg runs it take a bite at Thilia, his teeth, don't go in very deep but its able to draw blood, Thilia uses her knife to stab it just as they go off a cliff.


As the fighting dissipates, Boromir, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli look for Thilia. "Thilia!" Legolas calls looking for his sister. "Thilia?" Gimli adds joining in the search. Gimli spots a dying orc on the ground, laughing. He bends down and points his axe at it. "Tell me what happened and I will ease your passing!" Gimli threatens. Aragorn and Boromir show up just as the Orc speaks. "She's... " it coughs... "dead." It laughs,

"She took a little tumble off the cliff." it adds and Boromir is livid, but Legolas is the one that responds, "You lie!" The orc laughs, blood bubbling in his mouth. He falls back dead from Thilia's last hit on it. Legolas stands up but sees Thilia's dragon necklace in the orc's hand. Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas and Gimli approach the cliff and look down into the river below. Théoden approaches behind them. 

"Get the wounded on horses. The wolves of Isengard will return. Leave the dead." the King says, Aragorn has to grab hold of Boromir to keep the Gondorian from jumping the King. Legolas hands Boromir the necklace. "We will find her." he says, "She'd stronger than this." he adds and Boromir remains silent. "Come." Théoden calls to the men staring at the cliff edge.

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