Chapter 15

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I never knew someone could be so attractive and so intimidating at the same time. He radiated power and excitement. I knew he was the Alpha but I couldn't place where I knew him from. I felt another pull somewhere in my mind again, but just like the last it didn't break its hold.

"I am here. I do not know you and I do not know how you know me." I stood tall and elegant, radiating power once again.

The Alphas eyes flickered towards me and they filled with love and joy. Both emotions filled me with so much confusion that I was forced to take a step back. Seeing my step, the Alphas eyes drained of their joy and filled with sadness and hardened.

"I mean no harm being near your land. I am simply trying to rest a bit since I have been running for hours. This boy, Callum, found me and must have called you. I will be on my way now, if I am seen as free in your eyes Alpha." I added a small dip of my head to show respect from one leader to another.

"Oh Brie..." The Alpha sighed and went to step towards me.

Without thinking I growled at his advances warning him to step back.

"I must go. I am in a hurr-" Callum surprised me and cut me off mid sentence.

This was a surprise to me because no one cuts off someone who is addressing their Alpha, especially if it's someone from a high ranking.

"Alpha... She was just about to enter the territory and she had been wanting your approval. I can watch her if that is no problem. I know that since she's Luna she must have guards but I feel that she might be more comfortable if I were to be her guard. At least for the time being, seeing as she trusts me and doesn't seem to remember anything else from before..."

 I could barely keep up with what Callum was saying because he was talking a million miles an hour and he kept going but my eyes narrowed at the way his voice had changed when he said 'before'. Something was up and I had to figure it out.

I quickly formed a new plan in my mind, thinking of how staying on this packs land could benefit me.

"Yeah, what he said." Wow great, I sound like a complete idiot.

The Alpha straightens his back and stiffens his posture, "Alright. You may enter my territory."

I slowly step towards the border the territory and make my way across the invisible thresh hold. I feel a slight pain and then a warm rush come over me as I enter a new territory. The Alpha extends a hand to me as a sign of welcome and I except it. I feel a tingle rush up my arm and spread through my body to my heart.

Gasping, I let go of his hand and snap my eyes to his. "What the hell?"

"Finally.." The Alpha sighs with a relieved and slightly victorious look on his face.

"Finally? What do you mean finally? What the hell just happened?" I can feel my anger spike to a new level because of the unknown.

"Brie... I'm your mate."

"That would explain a few things." I quietly mumble to myself thinking of how this cleared almost all of the static and craziness in my head.

A mate. I finally had a mate. I mean, I didn't really want one but it's kind of nice to know that I have one.

Please try with mate. I hear my wolf whine in the back of my mind.

But I want freedom and I know you do too.

Yes but mate. Stay with mate. She kept repeating cutoff and fragmented sentences almost all of them containing the word mate.

"I'll stay." I looked my mate in the eyes and try to stay away from getting lost in them.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Callum smile. He seemed really happy with my answer. Little does he know the plan in my mind, as soon as I know the moment is right I will grab him and run. We can live together and never have to stay under someone's control.

"What's you name mate? Seeing as you somehow know mine, I'd like to know yours." I actually never did catch his name, I think Callum said it before but I'm not too sure.

"Julian. My names Julian." I shivered and closed my eyes, slightly enjoying the feeling, as he spoke his own name.

"Let's go home." Julian held out his hand and I took it also grabbing Callums hand and grasping it in mine.

Callum looked at me in shock and stared at our hands. "I won't let you go, little one. I won't leave you."

"My Luna." Julian had the most prideful look on his face, I knew my choice was going to be hard. But I knew it had to be a quick one.

One day.

I'll give Julian one day to try to convince me to stay but that's all.

One day.

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