Chapter 10

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The constant beeping noises that were coming from around me had become annoying and I couldn't stand it.

I was back in the Pack Hospital and I couldn't be in a worse mood. He had won and I completely crashed and burned. Being back in the pack house was the worst possible things that could happen to me. I never should've stayed as long as I had, because if I hadn't then I wouldn't be in this position. I wouldn't be stuck here again. I needed to get away and quick.

I sat up, jumped off the bed and my head rushed. I quickly gripped my knees and bent over, trying to calm the raging war in my mind. I guess I had an IV or something in my arm that ripped out when I jumped of the bed because my arm was bleeding profusely and the machine was going crazy next to me. Someone in the Pack House must have heard me because I heard thundering footsteps coming towards the room I was in.

I locked the door and put anything and everything in the room that I could move with my injured arm in front of the door to my current room. I spun around looking for a window to climb out of. I finally found one in the connecting bathroom that was big enough for me to fit into. I tried hoisting myself up and out through that very same window, but the pressure on my hurt arm was too much and I collapsed onto the cold hard tiles on the floor.

I groaned and continued to lay face down on the floor. I heard a giant crash from the regular part of the hospital room. "Brie! Brie where are you?" Mate.

I formed a new plan in my head quickly before I answered, "I'm in the bathroom!"

"Why was every item in front of the door?" I could here him getting closeer to the bathroom. He was maybe halfway across the room, oh no. That means he was getting close to the -- "WHY IS THERE BLOOD ON THE FLOOR?!" -- blood.

"Um, well... if you would come help me in here, then I can show you..."

"Brie... What do you mean show me?"

In that moment he walked into the bathroom and everything stopped. I watched his facial expression change and morph into a wide range of emotions.




"Well um. Haha funny story actually... Uh I was trying to get to the bathroom and I saw the needle in my arm and I flipped and now I'm bleeding on the floor?" I really hope he buys my innocent act. I need to gain this packs trust so I can leave the minute they believe I won't.

"Don't worry the pack doctor is coming. I've already called him. Just stay calm, don't freak o -- "

"I'm not the one freaking out Julian. You are."

"Well, considering my mate is currently bleding out on the bathroom floor in my pack hospital, yeah I'm freaking out." He took a deep breathe and caught my eyes that were looking all over his face.

Oh no. I got lost in his eyes, his beautiful eyes. His forest green eyes locked onto my ice blue ones and for once, I felt the full effect of our mating bond. I felt a small amount of his emotions, this would only increase if I let him mark me and we complete the mating process that seals our souls, fate and future together.

The footsteps of someone rushing into the room caused us to break our eyes apart. Well I broke our eyes apart and I could stil feel Julian staring at me.

"Alpha." Cale gave a sharp bow in a show of respect to his Alpgha Male and Female.

Before Julian could say anthing, I cut in "Cale, your services are no longer needed. I am no longer bleeding as you can see." I held my arm up for Cale and Julian to see.

As I had said I was no longer bleeding and I had no scar from the very large cut that had been there only seconds before. I looked up to see both the pack doctor and my mate staring at my arm in awe.

"I've never seen anything like this before.. I.. I.. No wolf can ever heal that fast. I mean we heal quickly but not that quickly. This is amazing." Cale tried stepping closer to me to examine my arm better but Julians growl stopped him.


"What color is her wolf?" Cale didn't come closer but he still looked at me in wonder.

"White." Julians response was clipped. He wasn't very happy right now. "Everyone in the pack knows this."

"Well, Alpha, I was not outside when everyone else was. So she was the one that growled with such power? This is more amazing than I thought. There is only one other white wolf in existance." Cale looked like he wanted to jump with joy.

"There is another like me? Who?" I immediately sat up and crawled to where Cale was crouching and looked at him with desperate eyes.

"The daughter of the Blood Claw Packs Alpha."

I really am alone.

So much editing needs to be done. I know. I'm sorry!

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