Chapter 3

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Stepping into the burning hot water caused a form of shock to run through me. I hadn't realized how long I had been running. Every muscle in my body ached. Hell even my bones ached.

I had forgotten how it felt to have the water cascade down my body. The water running through my long blonde hair, chasing all my problems down the drain. To have the mind numbing heat wash away all of the days events, the weeks events, everything that was floating around in my subconscious.

After standing in the water for what seemed like forever, I finally convinced myself that I had to get out. I had to face the world again unfortunately.

I didn't bother with a towel, I forgot about how I looked and just walked out of Matt's ensuite.

Matt was sitting on his bed with his head in his hands looking frustrated. His hair was sticking out at odd ends as though he pulled it till it could be pulled no further. Everything about his posture screamed frustration. The way his body was hunched over and tense.

"You seem over worked. what's wrong?" I asked staying where I was by the ensuite door.

His head shot up so quickly that I heard a crack. It made me wince, thinking about how that may have hurt. His eyes also widened seeing and taking in my naked body with little droplets of water dripping down it onto the floor. My long hair mused by the shitty towel drying job that i did just before I came out. I saw him shift uncomfortably where he was sitting.

Well well well. Looks like the third in command isn't as invincible as I thought. Put a naked woman in front of him and Jr. starts to stir.

"You okay there Matt?" I smirked knowing that he knew what I was referring to.

"Uh uh. Yeah. I'm fine. Totally fine."

"Now Matt. I think we both know you are not totally fine." I slowly said as a walked towards him and his bed.

"Brie you're walking a dangerously thin line there. I suggest you should stop, you are just a rouge after all."

Okay now that just pissed me off.

I launched myself at him.

I pinned him below me. Knowing full well that my eyes were glowing to show my wolf was on the surface. "Oh but Matt, you know us rouges do it best. Especially when we've had training." I gave him a seductive wink.

I rubbed myself on his lower region earning a throaty groan from him.

"Training? What training?" He all but growled out. Seems like the pup has taken a liking to me. How cute.

"Oh love. I've had jobs before but none of that kind, just ones that were... close." I whispered leaning my face close to his, almost touching our lips.


"You'll have to show me some things that you learned from those said jobs." he smirked bringing our lips closer and closer.

"Well I don't know.. You don't seem to like rouges much... Remember?" I locked my eyes with his.

"I think I could rethink that opinion." His eyes shifted between my lips and my eyes.


"Just shut up and kiss me."

And with that I finally locked lips with him.

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