Chapter 16

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Walking hand and hand with both Callum and Julian earned many strange looks from some of the members of Julian's pack. They all had the same mix of expressions when they passed from my hand linked to Julian's then my hand linked to Callum's. The look of adoration and respect for their Alpha and Luna to a look of complete confusion and a few even held disgust in their expressions, which in turn left me slightly confused. Callum seemed to notice their looks and tried to pry his hand from mine, but I didn't let go and I gave out a low powerful growl as a warning to everyone telling them to mind their own business.

Julians head snapped to mine looking at me in shock, "Brie? Why did you do that? They did nothing wrong."

"They need to keep their noses away from my business.." I grumbled lowly, feeling standoffish.

I felt the need to show my dominance to the members of Julians pack, well our pack now. The members around us, lowered their heads in respect and slight fear from my growl. As we walked on, members raised their heads to watch us pass and to continue their staring.

Julian shook his head, laughing slightly, "You can't blame them, the last time you were..." He cleared his throat, "I meant, you are the Luna now, so natuarally they are curious."

Julian continued to keep his eyes on me when he finished his sentence, until he raised our joined hands to his mouth and kissed the back of my hand, sending electric tingles down my arm and all over my body. I narrowed my eyes at his choice of words but shaking my head, I let it go and turned my face to Callum. I studied him as he watched the surrounding grounds, and when he finally sensed my eyes on him, he turned his head towards me and gave me a huge smile. 

He had small dimples on his cheeks that came through when he smiled this large, and looking at his happiness made a small smile fall across my lips. I never had any happy memories in my old pack, I was always followed by sadness and pain. His happiness was something I never experienced. I furrowed my brow and looked to the ground. Julian sensed my change and glanced at me worriedly. Trying to figure out what could have happened to make my mood change the way it did.

"Luna? What's wrong?" This came from Callum, who also noticed my mood become cloudy. 

I could tell that the pack members near to us also sensed this change in their Luna and had varying degrees of concern emanating from each of them. They could tell that this was something almost personal, so they kept their distance, a few even staking a few steps back out of consideration. The way these people showed how much they cared for someone they just met, struck something in me.

I stopped walking, causing Callum and Julian to halt also. They stood slightly in front of me and I dropped both their hands from mine, leaving my arms to hang by my sides. I stayed quiet and with my head down for several more moments, trying to gather my thoughts that had decided to guide me back to my old pack and the memories that still haunted me. 

I raised my arms to hug myself, trying to keep the darkness at bay. I couldn't quite get my thoughts straight, as they were swirling through my head at a million miles an hour. Most of my past memories were swimming to the forefront. I could feel that I was starting to revert back into myself. Julians worry became stronger as he could sense what was happening in my mind. Pack members no longer caring to keep their distance because they could tell something was bothering their Luna and they wanted to offer themselves in assistance. 

It was all becoming too much and having so many people seeming to be slowly closing in on me, made everything worse, regardless of the good intentions they meant. I was losing control of my subconscious but remembering Callum's smile, it all became clear, the memories halted and I realized what I wanted. 

When I brought my eyes back up from the ground, they immediately found Julian and his eyes. His eyes held such concern, not knowing what was wrong. My eyes slowly swept over his face, taking it all in, making my wolf stir from the touch of her mate.

"I want to be happy."


I think I want to change the direction I take this story. I won't change what I've already written until later if I feel it needs to be changed slightly. Please let me know any feed back anyone has over anything. 

Vast majority said they wanted me to keep the story the way it is and to not rewrite it, but I don't know how happy I am with it. I will try to continue on but I do want to maybe take a new direction. 

I'm not sure where I stand with my ideas, but I have my new laptop now so it will be easier to write! If you have any questions, ideas or just comments in general, feel free to comment here or message me directly! 

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