Chapter 5

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Stepping into a room full of members from a pack that you didn't belong to would make anyone go tense. The general atmosphere was so thick I felt as if I couldn't move. I know I'm pretty powerful but I don't think I'm powerful enough to take on a whole pack. Especially the second toughest pack in North America.

I stayed very close to Matt seeing as every single body in the room stopped whatever they were doing just to stare me down. If looks could kill, I'd be dead to the infinite power.

Matt lead me to a seat that was close to the head of the table.

"What the hell is that mutt doing here?" Some random pack member growled out.

"Brie is mine and she is no mutt. No one will challenge me on it. Got it?" Matt's eyes were turning black, signaling the his wolf was surfacing.

"Why the hell should we let that rouge intrude upon what is ours?" A very angry pack member roared.

He was about 6'5" and had burning black eyes. Shit. Shit. Shit. I can't let this guy attack me, I'd have to reveal my alpha origin just to get a chance to live. I backed up until I was behind Matt.

"She won't be a rouge when Alpha Julian comes back. Dan you better watch yourself." Matt smirked.

At the name of the Alpha I shivered. What the fuck. That's weird. It probably because I'm rouge on the Alphas territory, so his name effects me or something. I've never had that happen before, but then again I've never been caught before. Dammit I wouldn't be in this mess if I hadn't gotten caught. Stupid stupid stupid.

"He'll never accept scum like her. She's nothing."

Matt was already seething but as soon as the last two words left Dans mouth, Matt attacked.

He lunged for his throat. Dan went on the defensive, jumping back.

I was so lost in my thoughts that it took a whimper from one of the two wolves to rouse me from them.

All of the sudden Matt broke off of the other member with one final growl and stepped back towards me and shifted. Oh lord he was naked, very very naked.

Don't look Brie. Don't look. I thought to myself.

Look all you want but he will never be near us again. I will make sure off that. My wolf growled in my head, pacing back and forth causing a headache.

"BRIE IS MINE. MINE." He was seething. I could practically see the smoke coming from his ears.

"Matt calm down. I'm yours. No one is taking me away." I whispered in his ear hoping to calm him down.

My headache was still roaring but I tried to comfort him, to reassure him that I wasn't going away any time soon. Well as far as anyone knew I wasn't leaving soon. Hell I didn't even know when I was leaving. In the back of my mind I could hear my wolf muttering about how it better be soon, she didn't like not being the one in charge.

But with Matt, I wasn't doing too hot. I'm not good at calming people, I'm not good with people in general. That's a reason why I went rouge.

"Oh Matty!"

I whipped around to see a bleach blonde, big boobed bimbo started walking over to where Matt and I were standing. I use the term walking loosely, it looked like her hips were about to give from swaying too much. Her skirt and shirt were about 3 sizes too small and paired with 6 inch heels. She was caked with makeup, how can she think she looks good like this? I could feel Matt flinch in my grip.

"I've missed you Matty. Where have you been?" She had the nerve to rub his arm. Her boobs were rubbing Matt too.

I was so tempted to rip her head off right then and there I knew that it would be as easy as snapping a pencil but I settled for growling. Hoping she got the fact that she crossed into my territory.

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