Fallen Down

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"Are you okay, Jon?"

Jon winced as he got up, his leg most likely briused from the fall. Apparently, it wasn't the best idea to figure out what was behind any overgrowth on a mountain. Because in this case, the answer was a cave entrance.

Jon looked up, seeing the outline of his two friends peering in. The walls were too high and steep to climb, meaning he was stuck.

"I'm fine!" he replied. "I can't get out, though."

"We'll go get help," Mark told him, and he and Laurel ran off. Jon trusted that they would come back. But for now, he was alone in a dark cave.


Don't be scaredy cat, Jon, he told himself. You're a grown-ass man. You're not scared of the dark. Even if you are all alone.

Jon fumbled with his phone, attempting to use it as a flashlight. Maybe light would calm him down and make things less dark. After all, that's what light was supposed to do.

As he turned on the flash, he heard... chains? Rattling chains, and they sounded to be built for something much larger than a human.

Well, so much for trying not to get scared.

Having the flashlight on, Jon skimmed around to find the source of the sound, but didn't find anything. "Hello?" he called out. There was no response. The sounds had stopped, leaving an uncomfortable silence. It's alright. That was probably just my imagination, he convinced himself.

Relieved, he turned around...

...and saw two gigantic, green eyes staring down at him.

If you were in the right place at the right time, chances were you heard a loud (and girl-ish) scream in the woods.

Jon dropped his phone, frozen like a deer in headlights. His body was trembling. One of the eyes had to be at least half the height of him, and he wasn't exactly short.

Slowly, the human began to back away. Metal chains clattered against each other as the hard-to-see figure shifted. And when things couldn't seem to get any worse, the phone, which had been practically abandoned on the ground, started to ring.

Jon screamed again at the sudden noise, and the next thing he knew, a huge hand slammed down, barely missing him. The impact threw Jon of his feet, and he hit the ground hard. He couldn't find the strength to pick himslef back up. He was gonna die here.

Something grabbed him by the ankle, and he was dragged and picked up off the ground, until he was level with the eyes. He could hardly make out the details around him, but could've sworn they resembled a person he'd seen before. In a picture, maybe...

"Don't... don't hurt me. Please..." Jon choked out, still winded. "I... don't want to die..."

The grip on his ankle vanished, and the fall was shorter than he expected. He landed on something soft but rough, like a worker's hand.

Because it was a hand. He was laying on a hand.

He was able to fit the length of the hand, which meant that the owner had to be at least 10 meters tall, maybe even bigger. But that was impossible. The whole situation didn't make any sense; maybe he was just dreaming.

Sitting himself up, his eyes had adjusted to the darkness, altough details were still vague. The hand he sat on was riddled with scars and burns. Jon felt a ping of sympathy, but fear and confusion quickly replaced it.

As the chains rattled, Jon's platform was lifted up. That was when he was finally able to see the face of his captor.

He had rough features, and Jon could make out some sort of mustache formed over his lips. His nose was rounded and crooked, like it had been broken before. The green eyes almost seemed to glow, but it was hard to tell. Even though he was around Jon's age, the giant stared with childlike curiosity, an almost frightened look in his eyes. He was, in fact, a human. Although he was likely ten times Jon's size.

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