The Bad News or The Bad News?

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[A/N: Please don't comment any sexual/inappropriate stuff (that's what she said, ect.), since it makes me sort of uncomfortable. Thanks, and enjoy!]



Mark paced around the living room. "Laurel, if this is a joke, it isn't a funny one," he told his roommate, sitting down on the sofa to process the news.

"I'm serious!" she insisted. "Jon and... his friend were knocked out and some guy took them away. I couldn't catch them, and-"

"Friend? Are you talking about that Eduardo guy?"

Laurel paused for a moment, surprised that Mark knew who she was talking about. Jon must've finally told him while I was gone, she thought. Well, that clears some explaining up. She affirmed his guess, and he continued.

"Well, they couldn't have gone far. You saw the license plate, right?"

The woman tried to remember the plate number, eventually reciting it out loud. "And it's from around here, too, which makes things easier."

Mark got up. "Alright, then. I'll get the authorities, and maybe they can-"


Mark gave Laurel a confused look. The cops discovering a giant person would only result in more problems, stacking onto the ones they already had.

Laurel hesitated. "We don't need the police; trust me when I say they'll only make things worse. We've dealt with stuff before. Remember that evil spirit thing that raided our house?" She waited until he nodded, and continued her explanation. "We're gonna find Jon and Eduardo, and we're gonna save then. This is our best friend we're talking about! He's out there, and I won't rest until we get him back! So, Mark, are you with me?"

The blond was silent for a moment, before he sighed. Reluctantly, but with a smile, he told her, "I'm with you." Grabbing car keys, Laurel raced him to the door.


Jon barely got the chance to open his eyes as he felt himself thrown around. Panicked, he remembered what had happened, and why he was currently trapped in a moving vehicle. He picked himself off of the car floor, and peered over to see Larry driving. He didn't seem to notice Jon was awake. Yet.

Jon patted around his pockets for his phone, but it was nowhere to be found until he saw it in the front compartment, right next to the blond man. Had to make this hard, didn't you? he said to himself. That's when the brakes hit, and Jon was thrown forward.

The suited man unbuckled, turning around and pulling the man in blue to his face level by the hair.

"What on Earth do you think you're you doing?" he hissed. "You aren't even supposed to be awake."

"C'mon dude, this isn't Hollywood," Jon answered rather tiredly. "Chloroform only lasts about five minutes. I'm surprised it had knocked me out as quick as it did, but truth be told, I've never been exposed and-"

"Shut up!" Larry slammed his captive's head onto the console. He sounded angry, but all Jon saw in his eye was a tired, tired person.

Jon was silent, before uttering a little "sorry."

"Sorry isn't gonna save your ass today. Pull even half of a stunt, and you might as well be dead on the side of the road."

Jon nodded, and Larry released him. The younger man sat down and put on the seatbelt, while Larry continued driving.

"So-" Jon began. Larry already let out an annoyed sigh. "-what's your name, anyway?"

"Larry," the assistant replied bluntly. The brunett let out a little hum of interest, before going back to silence.

This is serious, he reminded himself. This is serious and you're in danger, yet you're treating this as a drive to the park. Jon, you better pray to whatever's up there that you make it out alive. You better hope that Mark and Laurel can find you and-

"Eduardo!" Jon blurted out. He'd nearly forgotten about him. Larry turned around and shot him a confused look.

"Who's that supposed to be?" the blond asked as he turned back to face the road. His voice was dripping with disinterest, but Jon answered anyway.

"Ten meters tall, torn-up, dark green outfit, the guy that I'm guessing you were part of to chain him up in a cave? That ring any bells?"

Larry's eye seemed to soften for a moment in some mixture of fear and regret, but he brushed it away with, "Is that what you call it?"


"It was a rhetorical question!" Larry snapped. The car halted in front of a large, deserted-looking building. Larry got out the van, opened Jon's door, and dragged him out by the arm. Now outside, he noticed a box similar to ones carrying ship cargo (but this one was smaller and obviously wheeled) latched behind the vehicle. The assistant saw his staring at it, and tugged his arm, pulling him to the entrance.

Ringing the doorbell, a man's voice quickly came from the speaker. "I told you that I'd call you when i get the money-"

"It's me, Bing," Larry replied.

Silence. Then: "Well then! Did you finally find our little problem?"

"Yes sir." He pulled Jon forward, receiving a laugh from the man on the speaker, who Jon assumed could only be Bing.

"Lovely!" he said in almost a taunting way. "You can bring him to me, and I'll be happy to introduce myself."

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