Run, Rabbit, Run

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[A/N: Please don't comment any sexual/inappropriate stuff (that's what she said, ect.), since it makes me sort of uncomfortable. Thanks, and enjoy!]


"Come on out, E-04."

Ivy ran away through the seemingly never-ending hall. He hated to be called that, to be treated like an object. And now that he knew what was going to happen to him, he ran as fast as his legs could take him. He had to escape.

Doors whisked past his vision, each one with a different tortured being. Ivy couldn't save them. He knew that. He knew he couldn't even save himself.

A gunshot went off as he made another turn. Tears fogged up his vision.

A door blocked his path, the familiar code of E-04 engraved. There was no other choice. A figure appeared at the end of the hall, and the boy quickly went through.

The room was cramped like a closet. Ivy locked the door, trying to catch his breath. He backed up from the entrance, before tripping over something cold. Something dead.

No, not something.


A red-stained suit clothed the body, blond hair matted with blood. The eyes were torn out of their sockets, skin haphazardly covering where they'd be. Ivy felt sick looking at it, but knocking quickly distracted him.

"Open up, kid."

"Go away!" Ivy yelled, looking for something to board up the door. There was nothing but him and the familiar corpse in the room. His heart skipped a beat as he heard keys click. He had fallen into a trap. Tears started to flow, blurring everything. This was it. There was nothing else he could do. Ivy was going to die.

The door creaked open, followed by laughter.

"You put up quite a chase. But guess who found you."

His white shirt was dyed red, and his messy brown hair sagged over his face. He held a gun and a wide smile.

"Stop crying, 04," he said in the way someone would coo to a small child. It was gentle and sympathetic. Two things that would never describe the man.

"Don't call me that," Ivy choked out. The man with the gun chuckled. Oh, how the boy hated his laugh.

"But that's all you are," he said, loading the gun. "And that's all you'll ever be. Although, you do have another name, don't you?"

The man aimed past Ivy, and he looked behind him to see another person. He was crying heavily, his blue shirt wet with tears. He looked up at the boy with a small smile on his face. His small, dark eyes were full of fear.

"Goodbye, Eduardo," he whispered, and the gun banged, causing Eduardo to flinch. Red pooled around the blue man's chest, and he dropped to the ground, dead.

The gun then hit the back of Eduardo's head, ready to shoot. "How sweet," the armed man said. "The freak had made a friend. Don't worry, though."

The grip on the trigger tightened.

"You'll be able to see him soon enough."


Eduardo shot up, practically hyperventilating. The moon above him illuminated the dark sky. Tears streaming down his face, he found himself back in the woods. He'd never left. It had just been a bad dream. But it had been horrible. The dead bodies had seemed all too real.

One of his hands had stayed closed to his chest, so he moved it to find Jon sleeping peacefully. It was okay. He was safe. They both were. Eduardo knew that, so why couldn't he stop crying?

Jon shifted as he woke up. Looking up at his friend, he immediately noticed the tears. His heart sank seeing the bigger man that upset. He tried to stand up, but the way the hand was angled made that difficult.

"Eduardo? Are you alright?"

Eduardo pulled Jon close to his chest in a hug, or as close as he could get without crushing the (extremely confused) little man.

"I'm just glad you're safe," the giant said through tears. He raised the human to his face and smiled.

"Why do you say that?" Jon asked, now kneeling down in Eduardo's palm.

"Well, I had a nightmare where you had gotten killed, but it all seemed so real, and... and I sound really childish right now, don't I?"

"No, no, it's alright," Jon responded with a smile. "I think it's nice that you care about me. I mean, I care about you, too." He looked at the dark, starry sky and murmured, "How long was I asleep?"

"Should I get you home?" the bigger man asked him.

Jon hesitated, mostly flustered. "Y-yeah. I'd like that, thanks," he finally responded, before adding, "But make sure to stay hidden. Neither of us know what kinda weirdos are in this forest at night."

"Noted. But first..." Eduardo moved Jon to where the human was sitting on his shoulder. "Is it alright if I put you here?" he asked, and Jon nodded.

"Now, hold on tight."

Eduardo stood up, and Jon grabbed tightly onto the giant's hair to avoid falling.

The two set off, Jon directing Eduardo on where to go. They both looked out for anyone who might have been in the woods for whatever reasons, but luckily didn't find anyone.

Eventually, Jon tugged on the bigger man's hair as a sign to stop. "It's not too far now. I think I can walk the rest," he told him. The giant halted and knelt down, bringing the human to the ground. He stumbled tiredly, thanking Eduardo.

The giant waved goodbye, before heading back. Jon found it strange that he still stayed in the area where he'd been trapped for so long, but decided not to ask any questions.

Around five minutes later, he pulled out his house keys, opening the front door with a click. Jon entered a dark house, the only light from the television and Mark's reading lamp. The blond was asleep on the couch, the book now on the floor. Jon was about to head to his room for the night when the news report on TV caught his attention.

"Police have closed the case after almost a decade of searching, and the child has been presumed dead."

On the screen was the missing boy in question. He looked only about 15, and had dark brown hair and green eyes.

Jon could've sworn he'd seen him before, but the crave for sleep blurred his thoughts. Turning off both the lamp and television, he went to bed.

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