Pain in the Neck

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[A/N: Please don't comment any sexual/inappropriate stuff (that's what she said, ect.), since it makes me sort of uncomfortable. Thanks, and enjoy!]


"For someone your size, you are an incredible hider."

The bluette craned her head up to see Eduardo. It had taken her a bit longer to find him than she'd expected. He let out an awkward laugh in response.

"I just don't want any hunters to get the wrong idea, you know?"

"Good point."

Laurel cracked her neck, it already aching from looking up. Before she was able to get back to the conversation, she was picked up by her hood. Eduardo placed her on his shoulder.

"Is this alright?" he asked. "I can put you back down if you want."

"Nah, this is easier," the woman responded, sitting down. She wasn't used to being that high up, but it was almost exciting.

"So, why are you here?" the bigger man asked. "Do you need something, or..?"

"I just thought I'd visit you. It must be pretty boring by yourself out here."

"Yeah, it kinda is."

Laurel smiled. "Not anymore," she told him. The moment of calm was quickly shattered, though, when something engraved on Eduardo's neck caught the girl's attention.

She crawled closer, much to the confusion of the bigger man. Pushing away dark hair, there were only three characters etched in big, black letters.


"Eduardo?" Laurel mumbled with concern in her voice, the giant barely able to hear her. "What does that E-04 tattoo mean?"

Eduardo immediately tensed up, not answering the question. "It's nothing," he told the human.

Laurel still persisted for an answer. "You said you were some sort of experiment, right?" she questioned. "Is that what this is from? I'm guessing it means, like, 'Experiment 04-'"

"I said it's nothing!" the giant snapped.

Laurel flinched back. She was going to apologize, but a sound near them in the forest distracted her. Someone was coming towards them.

"He fucking followed me!" Laurel said with disbelief.

"What? Who followed you?" The bigger man asked.

Laurel was attempting to climb down from the giant's shoulder. "Some blond dude with an eyepatch. He was creeping around the cavern, and I bumped into him."

The man's eyes grew wide.

"Laurel, wait!"

The blue-haired woman jumped down, stumbling a bit. She winced, before grabbing another hefty stick to beat the intruder. Completly ignoring Eduardo's protest, she ran towards the producer of the rustling, letting out some battle yell.

Jon was used to a good bit of weird stuff by now. Giants? Sure. Monsters? It's a long story, but he's dealt with all of that. Getting jumped by his roommate in the woods, however, was not something he'd ever be prepared for. He screamed in surprise, getting cut off by a swift whack to the nose.

By the time Laurel realized the trespasser wasn't the blond in a suit, the victim of the stick was already picking himself up off of the ground, then cupping his nose with his hands.

"What was that for?" he whimpered as a larger figure caught up to them. Eduardo let out a sigh of relief, seeing that it hadn't been the man he dreaded it was.

"Oh my Apollo," Laurel apologized. She dropped the stick. "Jon, I am so sorry. I thought you were some other guy."

"It's alright." Jon looked into his hands. "Oh, it's bleeding..."

Eduardo picked up the two humans, the two of them standing in him palm. One wrong move, and you'll kill the both of them, he reminded himself.

That's your purpose.

That's why you're like this

That's all you'll ever be.

The voice saying these thoughts; they didn't sound like him. They sounded like someone he knew, though. Someone he'd much rather forget. He quickly shoved the bad thoughts away.

"Are you sure you're okay, Jon?" he asked the smaller man in order to distract himself.

"I'm fine, Eddie," he laughed. "This isn't the worst I've been hit."

Eduardo couldn't help but smile at the man's laugh. The fluttering feeling he felt around Jon, it was a lot stronger now. It didn't make him feel bad, but he didn't see it as a good thing; mostly because he wasn't sure what it meant.

"Well, we're all okay," Laurel announced with a grin. Eduardo walked back to the original spot. Once they were there, Jon and Laurel were set on the ground.

It was weird. He had his friends, and besides Jon's nose, nothing had gone wrong. But deep in his gut, Eduardo felt like things were going to end up horribly.

The tire popped.

"Dammit," Larry muttered as he got out of the van. "Whatever higher being forbid that this forest has at least some path..."

He could've changed the tire and left. But something caught his attention, and he couldn't help but investigate.

It was a stick from a tree. A heavy looking one, and it was stained with blood. He thought of just leaving it be, but that was before he heard an all-too familiar voice. He had to go further, just to see.

He pushed through leaves and branches, and then saw him.

He was older, and a lot larger that he'd seen him last. But he recognized the subject.

Experiment 04.


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