The Beginning of the the End

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[A/N: Please don't comment any sexual/inappropriate stuff (that's what she said, ect.), since it makes me sort of uncomfortable. Thanks, and enjoy!]


It was simple, really.

Mark had a family member in the police force, and they were able to track down the license number of Jon's kidnapper. Mark was able to convince them not to get the police actually involved, via Laurel's request, and the two of them were eventually given the coordinates and sent on their way.

Which now found them at a derelict brick building with multiple stories.

"That must be the van," the bluette pointed out as she got out of their car. Sure enough, the black ban that had snatched away their friend was parked right in front of them. There was a crate-like thing attached to it, but it was already opened with nothing inside.

Mark exited the vehicle, examining the building in front of them. "So, Jon's in there?" he concluded, fear wavering in his voice. Laurel approached the door, calling to Mark that they needed a keycard to get in. Before he could respond, she had went to the side of the structure; the blond quickly followed her.

Mark had just caught up to the woman in time to see her attempt to scale the brick wall, before shortly falling back down. "There's an open window up there," she told him, pointing up at a window that was wide open. It's almost as if they're teasing us, Mark thought. Why does this have to be so hard?

Looking around for a plan, he caught sight of a pile of sturdy-looking boxes.

"I might have an idea," he told Laurel.


"Well, look who finally decided to wake up!"

Eduardo's snapped awake, recalling everything that had happened to him the last couple of days. The first thing he tried to do was scream, or at least call for help, but it was no use. Cold metal was clamped around his mouth. He also found himself in a new pair of handcuffs chained to the walls; this time, they encased his hands wholly and were merged together to keep him binded. Finally, a mechanism was strapped around his neck, and if he tilted his head to one side or another, he could feel the poke of a large needle. It was there to stab him, possibly inject him with something. And it all hurt like hell.

"Did you have a good rest? You've been unconscious for much longer than I had planned, but oh well!"

The too-cheery voice of Bing echoed throughout Eduardo's prison from a speaker. It hurt the giant's head to look at it: pure white walls except for the one in front of him, which was made of glass on its top half. Through it, he could see a control panel, as well as grey brick walls and other things used for testing.

Eduardo tried to say something, anything, at least to curse out his captor, but it came out as muffled nonsense. A laugh echoed throughout the room. "Great to hear!" Bing responded. "Don't worry, E-04, I know you seem so eager to start. But I have to deal with your little friend, first."

Jon. He had been taken. He was going to get tortured. He might even be killed.

And it's all your fault.


Laurel stumbled through the window, watching the stack of boxes she climbed tumble down after her.

"Well, Laurel, congratulations," Mark said sarcastically, peering out the window. "You've destroyed our only way of getting out of here."

The woman scoffed. "By the time I'm done, we'll be walking out through the front door! Now come on, we have two idiots to find."

They had ended up in a quiet, grey-bricked hallway. Their window, the only one for about a decameter, was on one side, and an array of doors were on the other. The man groaned, mumbling, "We're never going to be able to search every one of these."

"Maybe we won't have to," Laurel answered, noticing the codes at the top of each of the doors. R-64. M-40. E-231. And if those labels were atop the doors, then...

"Look for a door labeled 'E-04'," she instructed. "That's most likely where Eduardo's gonna be."

"How do you know that?" Mark asked.

Laurel paused. "It's a, uh, long story. We could probably split up, and that way we'll cover more ground."

Mark agreed, and the two of them went separate ways down the hall.

This plan was perfect. What could go wrong?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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