Will This Work Chapter 6

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Those eyes. I knew those eyes. I've seen them in my dreams.

Those eyes belong to a godly creature of the night.

A creature that I never thought I'd have the honor to meet. He stood with a snarling smirk. He let me win. He was just playing. He wanted me to feel I'd have an advantage. He was tricking me into believing I'd win. He was going to strike when I advanced for the final blow.

He was an Elder by the name of Endylyn. He could see the future, read minds just like all the other Elders, he could use magic or a sorcery of sorts.

I snorted before bowing down to him.

He shifted as I did and we stood there.

"Yes young one. You're very intelligent. Congratulations. Very few are smart enough to stop, they are to full of ego and pride and decide to finish me. You boy are better than that. You stopped and gave me a chance to live. Therefore I shall give you your fortune."

I nodded.
This had to be important if he was testing me before he even revealed himself.

"You shall be hurt before you shall find true love, but your fate lies in the hero."

He said before walking away, disappearing in a grey cloud of smoky mist.
Wait I'll find true love in the hero after I've been hurt? I was hurt by Rick. And now I've been saved by Alpha Hunter...This is it! This is a sign!
I'm meant to be with Hunter!

I shifted and took off to the pack house.

At my arrival the wolves tensed up, not knowing my wolf form. I barked a command and immediately they knew it was me.

I dashed out to the woods out back were Hunter was yipping and searching for me.

I ran up and tackled him.

I forgot that he didn't know it was me and hell broke loose. He took my playfulness as a threat and bit me, tossing me away and growling. I whimpered.
I don't want to hurt him! I won't!

Before I could shift he lunged and I jumped to the side quickly. But not quick enough. He tackled me harshly to the ground sinking his canines into my shoulder. I let out a whine and whimper of pain. He let go snarling and growling, Intruder.

I quickly shifted, holding my bleeding shoulder tightly as I shivered and cowered into a tree.

Hunters snarl fell as he saw my naked and bleeding form.

He shifted and was at my side in an instant.

"I'm sorry. So sorry. I didn't know it was you. I'm sorry. So so sorry. I didn't know. I didn't know." He sobbed holding me close. He carefully took my slowly bleeding shoulder, using his shirt that he had hung on the branch to apply pressure as he rushed me inside and to the bathroom.

He sat me on the counter, quickly cleaning and rubbing a salve on my wound before wrapping it.

The whole time he was a sobbing apologizing mess.

"Shhh Alpha it's ok"

He looked even more hurt that i called him Alpha instead of Hunter.

I grabbed his face and kissed him gently.

"I love you...mate"

I smiled as he held me tightly. Then I remembered Lucas and ran outside faster th han ever.

Laying at the edge of the woods was Lucas. He yipped happily seeing me and I took my clothes, finally dressing my naked body and wearing my necklace.

"Thanks Lucas"

"Who's Lucas?" Hunter growled out possesively.

"Hunter watch your tone before I make you regret it" I growled viciously, protecting Lucas.

He whimpered and immediately I felt bad.

"I'm sorry. He's a wolf. Just a wolf. He gave his Alpha position to his brother and became a rouge so he wouldn't kill his brother. I met him when I ran away and he's very important to me. He's helped me so much" I said with a pleading look.

Hunter immediately knew what I wanted.

"Oh fine. He can stay" he caved in to my begging and I cheered as Lucas  howled in delight.

I kissed his lips lovingly.

I wanted to spend my life with him. Move on from my hurt. Leave behind my pain.

Little did I know. My pain and suffering had just begun and that it would get worse. So much worse before it ever got better.

__________________________________________________________________________________Hey guys! So tell me in the comments what you think. Also, just a little test, what is your favorite color, comment it in the comment section with #ireadtheauthornotes beside it please and thank you. Please follow, vote, and comment. Also you guys should really read the story that my best friend is writing. Its called "The Omega's Mate" written by S0cc3r_B00ki3_17
She is an amazing writer and an amazing person. Follow her and me :3. The song is "Left alone to cry" so sad but it fits Kory's situation. Who ships Rory? Who ships Korter? Got the nanes from a fan. Bye bye

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