Will This Work Chapter 7

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I woke up beside Hunter and smiled before yawning.
I cracked my neck and stood up, quickly putting my black skinny jeans and tight-tight enough to clearly see my muscles and abbs- white wife beater on. After I finished my hair and make-up I took off downstairs.
"MOMMY!" I squealed hugging her.
"Hey Kory you feeling ok? You know with Hunter." She waggled her eyebrows.
"Gosh NO mother! How dare you even suggest that! That's so wrong so no no!" I dramatically plopped down onto the chair.
"Oh Kory that's why I said it! Because you're so wrong! So no no you pervert!" She said playfully smacking me as I watched the half naked men outside and was almost drooling.
"No just observing nice bodies" i smirked.
So you'd rather observe them over me?"
I could feel Hunter's presence strong behind me so i could tell he was close.
Turning around, there he was, shirtless and wearing a low laying pair of shorts. I could clearly see his v line and it was yummy.
"Oh well now what do we have here?" I licked my lips before grinning at my mother.
"Well mom I really like this pack. It has lots of yummy eye candy" i stood up and bit my lip looking Hunter up and down.
"Damn boy you do look yummy" i said with a smirk, running my hand over his chest.
He smirked as well.
"Yeah and so do you" he whispered grabbing my ass.
I squealed a little and kissed his cheek.
"Now now boys behave in the kitchen" my mother said with a warm laugh.
"Ok mommy" i said as I plopped down on Hunters lap right as he was sitting.
My mom smiled. Her smile could make men drool, but it just made me really warm and happy.
My mom really was a beautiful woman and looked nowhere near her age she looked 20 mabey 21. She was lean and had muscles and a nice build. She looked like she had no fat on her body just muscle. Then she had curves any woman would die for. She had relatively large breasts, not so big they looked fake but they fit her nicely. She had nicely rounded hips and neither me or her had bony buts cause we got round booties. She has tanned color skin from our Indian heritage. Yes my mother and I are Indians. Well our ancestors were. But you could see it. Her tan skin got slightly tanner in the summer-as did mine- because of the sun giving us an actual tan.
She had dark brown almost blackish hair, and warm brown eyes that could make anyone melt in her palms, she had perfect white teeth and a smile that could melt even the coldest hearts. She's pretty tall at 5'11.
Then there's me. I'm 16 and 6'0. I have tanned skin like my parents. I have blueish silver eyes- like my Indian grandmother on my mother's side. I have long black hair like my father and his family, and strong facial structure. I have nice white teeth and everyone says I have a friendly funny smile that makes evetyone happy-mom says I get it from dad who was the funny, dramatic, humorous kind of guy. I have a strong body build. I have muscles, they might not be huge but they fit me, and I'm really strong. I'm not one to be messed with.
I look a good bit like my dad and he was in no means ugly, he was a looker and my mother knew it. He used to be a really nice man. He cared, he genuinly cared and loved us. I have a few faint years worth of memories with him.
We were such a good family. He was a soldier. He went away one day and when he came back I didn't see him for a year. When I did, I didn't recognize him. His long black hair was going grey at so young, all his muscle melted into fat. He was a drunkard and got abusive. I had no idea why. When I asked mum she said he got captured and tortured be the enemies and it broke him.
That's when I cried myself to sleep. That's when I begged and prayed to something anything that things would get better. That's when I changed.
Then we left, we moved far away from our original home. Far far away.
Mother saw that thinking look on my face.
"Baby what's the matter. Let mummy make it better" she said hugging me tightly.
Hunter got worried as he saw me go weak and my eyes get glassy.
"What're you thinking about?" Mum said, stroking my hair.
"M-mum. Why did daddy change. Why did he really change. He's tough. He wouldn't break over being captured. I know him mommy. Why did he change" i let the tears streak freely down my face.
She inhaled deeply and sighed, keeping composed.
"Honey....that wasn't you're daddy. Well that last year he wasn't. That man wasn't your dad. He was some sleezy dirtbag keeping money on the table until you were old enough for me to raise you by myself. I'm sorry hunny. I didn't want to break your heart but....you're real dad is still missing in action. They never told us anything else." And with those last sentences, she crumbled.
I was shocked into silence.
My dad could still be...alive...
I hugged mum tightly.
"Hey shhhhum its ok now you dont want those blueberry muffins in the oven to burn would you?" I asked with a smile.
"Oh no I wouldn't!" She hopped up and continued with breakfast as I hugged Hunter.
We ate and then wandered the pack house as my mum read her book.
I met the pack wolves and talked with a couple about the Cedar Packs arrival.

I didn't know any of the Cedar Pack wolves. Or so I thought.

I walked outside into the cool fresh air. It was afternoon almost evening now but the sun was covered with thick dark clouds.
Rain oh how i love rain.
I thought with a smile.
Then I caught several wolves in the Cedar Pack staring.
I walked over and smiled.
"Hello I'm Kory from the Silver Moon Pack. Nice to meet you."
A few of the wolves grimaced when they recognized who I was.
"Hey I'm Milo of the Cedar Pack." Said a boy who was tall with brown hair and fair skin, clearly sun tanned, and his bright green eyes.
"Im Erin" said a tallish boy with tanned skin, nice facial structure, forest green eyes, and dark brown hair. He had his braided so you could clearly see his Indian tribal tattoo.
I smiled and nodded, then he caught me staring curiously at his tribal tattoo.
"Like it?"
"Yeah Cherokee? Or Sioux? It has what looks like both"
"It is. My mother is Sioux and my father Cherokee" he said with a smile. "You?"
I smiled and nodded moving my hair and showing him my tattoo.
"Sauk-Fox and Sioux. Mother and father Sioux but my dad was also Sauk-Fox." I said kindly.
We hugged and he laughed.
"Mabey our parents know each other. My mother came along we should have them meet" Erin said before going to get his mum.
Soon he returned with a tall Indian woman with the same forest green eyes. She looked around my mothers size with her hair braided. She looked me over.
"My you're such a beautiful boy. Erin tells me you Sioux/Suak-Fox."
I nodded and she hugged me.
"Im Maya."
I led them to my mother.
"Mum I want you to meet my friends"
She turned and gasped. So did Erins mum.
They hugged and me and Erin left as they began chatting up a storm.
We went back to the boys and I said my goodbyes before walking away.
I was soon knocked to the ground with a punch to the gut.
I looked up to see a group of 3 boys with pale vampire like skin and blond hair. One had blue eyes, one had brown, and one had green.
"Well well well. Lookie here. Isn't it another Indian. And a faggot."
I rolled my eyes.
"Actually I'm bisexual there's a difference."
That did it.
In the next 3 secobds i was being used as a punching back. Getting punched, kicked, and spit on.
Then there was a voice.
"Boys! What the HELL do You think You're DOING!" Shouted a man.
I looked up and saw two pairs of feet through my dirty hair. Then the one dragged the boys away by their ears, all three of them, ouch.
My whole body ached as I sat up and leaned against the nearest tree. I moved my hair, looking up to thank the guy. But my breath caught in my throat as I stared wide eyed at the man infront of me.
He was my missing in action father.

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