Will This Work Chapter 8

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"D-dad?" I sputtered.
He looked at me with pure shock, and what looked like happiness.
I jumped up and hugged him.
We stood there hugging and as hard as I tried I couldn't control the tears that stained my face.
"Daddy I've missed you. Please don't ever leave again. Please"
He hugged me tighter before sitting us both down in the grass behind the guest house, were we could have privacy.
After we'd stopped crying he told me his story.
"Kory I'm so sorry. When I went away I had been about to come back when I accidentally got boarded onto a different plane sent out to a different war where I had to fight a lot longer and got captured by the enemy. But my original core couldn't find me and neither could my second so they declared me M.I.A. and/or P.O.W. (prisoner of war). When I finally escaped i ran back to my base and was almost blown to pieces by my own team! Then I got shipped home. By then it had been 8 years. I spent the whole next year looking for you and your mother. Were we lived all I found was a angry drunk yelling about his wife and kid dumping him. I wonder why."
I whimpered.
"So you met second dad."
"Second dad?"
"Mum and me thought you might be dead and after 6 months she got hooked up not married to that filth so she could care for me. Then when I was 13 we left. From 7 years of age until 13 he abused us but we needed the money so we dealt that's how I got these." I took off my shirt showing him the scars and also my newly arranged bruises.
I had a bunch of bruises and cuts, my lip was split, and my hair and clothes were filthy.
"Come on. Is your mum here? She's gonna flip" he chuckled helping me up.
"We gotta get you fixed up"
We walked into the pack house and into the kitchen.
"Kory! Did you eat those chocolate chips agai-......."
Mom trailed off as she saw me and dad standing there.
"Ace....." my mum got caught up then forgot her long lost husband as soon as she saw me.
"KORY! BABY WHAT HAPPENED!" She fussed over me, holding me tight.
"No MOM not again!"
She dragged me out of the house and made me show her. I'll show everyone your baby pictures" she threatened.
"Ok ok it was those three boys the ones by that man who helped me blond haired boys." She held me protectively and marched up to the 'leader' of the boys little group. Blue eyed blondie.
Then she slapped him.
They all got slapped, leaving them quivering with red handprints on their cheeks.
They whimpered and nodded before everyone applauded.
"Come on Kory lets get you cleaned up"
We walked inside as mum started a shower for me and layed out new clothes.
I showered, washing the ew out of my long black hair.
Then I got out and dried, pulling on my boxers, my black jeans, my white wife beater -tight one with an Indian horse and dream catcher on it.- and drying my hair.
I walked downstairs to see Conner, Maya, Mum, and Dad.
Conner had let go of my mum and was completely cool with being just friends now that dads here. He's like my uncle.
Maya walked up to me with a bag in her hand.
"Kory would you like me to braid a feather into your hair? I have some beads as well." She smiled kindly.
I smiled and nodded. She grabbed her bag and pulled out a brush, sitting behind me and brushing out my hair. Then she carefully made a couple tiny braides before braiding the feather and beads into the braid.
When she was done she sat infront of me and had me take off my shirt before she used paint/makeup of some sort and drew symbols on my chest and shoulder and a little on my eyelids.
I smiled and thanked her.
"You are a true Indian warrior. I just know it. You're strong. The spirits can sense your power and courage, your fairness, your strength, bravery, your leadership, your kindness, that's a true warrior." She kissed my forehead and lead me into the dining room were my mother and father were, showing me off.
Mum looked up and her eyes teared up.
"My baby. You look like a warrior. No you are a warrior. Maya can see that. She's good at seeing that stuff." She ran her hand through my hair and looked at the symbols before dipping he finger in the paint and drawing another symbol on my chest and a circle around my eye.
"What does it mean? I can't see it upside down" I chuckled.
"Young warrior" she said.
Then dad stepped up and used the paint to draw one under my neck high on my chest.
"What's it mean dad?"
He smiled "Leader, Chief"
I smiled and stood proud.
Maya braided a feather in my dads long hair and gave him an eye circle on the left eye.
Then hunter came in.
My dad bowed as did Connor and Maya.
"No need to be so formal. Call me Hunter."
Dad nodded and smiled.
"Uh Hunter this is a family friend Maya from the Cedar Pack. And this is my father. Dad this is my..mate."
He smiled and hugged Hunter.
"Take care of my boy. Secondary mate"
I gaped. "H-how did you know!"
He chuckled.
"Well I'm your father and I could sense it. As well as the fact that Connor and your mother told me your scenario." I groaned.
Maya had taken Hunter.
I wonder what she's doing?
In that second Maya came back and when i saw Hunter my mouth opened but nothing came out.
He had one or two traditional Indian feathers and beads braided into his long light brown hair. He was shirtless with tribal symbols marking his chest and arms.
"Cheif", "Leader", "Companion", "Lover", "Warrior", "Wolf", "Alpha".
He truly looked like an Indian leader, a Chief.
I walked over to him and brushed my hands over his marks and feather.
My mother cleared her throat to get our attention before walking over. She came up to us.
"Hunter. You're officially part of this family. And the spirits already accept you, as an Native of our tribe, indian or not it doesn't matter."
My dad agreed, so did Maya, then I saw Erin with feathers and paint, then I saw a woman that I've missed so much, her hair flecked with grey now but still looking about 38.
"Grandma" i whispered before running over and hugging her. She's always been a tall filled out woman. But she was still attractive even in her late 40's.
She smiled holding me in her lap.
"There there my baby cub. Me and Baba have missed you dearly." Then I saw Baba, my grandfather.
"Momo, Baba, I've missed you guys so much."
They smiled and I hugged Baba.
"They're joining the Silver Moon Pack, as well as the Cedar Pack. Since we are both short on wolves and will be shorter when I announce my mate, we're joinging packs." Hunter said.
I smiled and took a breath before walking out and stripping before shifting.
I strolled in and my dad smiled.
"You're a strong wolf son. A Chief"
My feather was still braided in my fur with the beads, as was the paint around my eye and the other was now on my flank.
I shook out my fur and looked at the others who'd shifted-my mum, dad, Hunter (too bad I didn't see him strip), Grandma (Momo), Grandpa (Baba), Maya, Erin, and Connor.
I howled and took off running. Others from the packs howled and shifted joining our run of freedom. Me and Hunter leading the pack.
I've always been fast, really fast so I bolted. Hunter even having trouble keeping up.
I jumped the stream and ran till we came to a small cliff, were I mind linked everyone else to jump far because its a cliff, and propelled to the other side, watching behind me as they all jumped.
Once we were all safe I howled loudly.
Then the echoes of the pack behind me. My mate mixed in the chorus.
I felt strong, like an Alpha, like a Chief.
You are.
Said a woman's voice in my head.
Who're you?
I kept running strong howling as we went, jumping and running, never tiring, only filled with excitement.
I'm the wolven spirit. The link between wolves and Indians. Between wolves and humans. The moon goddess the wolven goddess.
I howled.
Thank you wolven goddess but im no actual Alpha.
A light chuckle sounded through my head.
But you are young one. A strong Alpha at that. Even Hunter sees that. Everyone knows you're the true leader. You're strong. The strongest. If you fought Hunter, you'd win. But you submit because he's your mate.
I thought about it.
Why did the boys beat me up?
Jealousy. I have punished them. No one should disrespect Alpha or any other wolf.
Why did yoy mate me with Rick. He rejected me. Your the goddess you know the future. You knew it would happen. So why?
You'll see young one. Now howl, you've sped ahead any faster and you'll loose your pack.
I howled loudly slowing down as I heard the chorus of howls in the distance.
They caught up and we ran until we reached Pack borders into the Crescent Moon Pack, were we ran along the border, howling and yipping, running and playing.
I stopped when I saw the other Pack on the other side and howled.
Me and the other Alpha atood face to face and something was said in our glances.
We howled in Unison. We don't want to fight so we won't fight.
Anogher wolf in the Pack caught my eye and we held glances until I turned, howled and took off homeward bound.

When we returned we let out one loud, in sync, howl. As a pack.

We shifted back and put our clothes on. I slipped on my boxers and jeans and smiled.
Hunter came up to me.
"Alpha" he bowed to me.
"Um what? You're Alpha?"
He shook his head.
"No. You're the new Alpha. You out ran me. You also showed more Strength. You've been chosen by th moon goddess. She ran beside you. He silver white ghostly spiritish wolf ran with you as her spirit wolves ran with our pack."
I was stunned.
"No I resign the pack to you. You deserve it."
He smiled and rolled his eyes.
"Fine. But I'm still calling you Chief"
"Because he is." Said Baba with a smile.
"Thank you. All of you."

A Pack meeting was called.
"Hello everyone. Tonight we unite our two packs. For the Cedar Pack has recently lost their Alpha and we're close allies. As well as the fact that both Packs have lost a lot of wolves lately for multiple reasons. Witches, accidents, war, murder. It has been happening. But now we unite. And I shall rule beside my Mate."
He held me close.
A lot of cheers and applauds went through the huge room. But there was still decent amount of hate.
"Now I have to ask. Who ever does not approve and wants to leave I will dismiss you myself."
A group of 35-40 wolves stepped forward, hand raised.
"You are dismissed. Take your belongings and leave. We wish you well. Though you may not be welcomed back.

And with that the meeting ended and we hoasted a feast to celebrate the joining of the Packs. Everyone falling asleep soon after.

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