Chapter 2

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Turner lamented the loss of his father, whom he had lost for the second time in his life, as Gotham lamented the death of its dark knight.

The Next Day

Thousands have lined the streets to honor the city's fallen hero Bruce Wayne, who Gotham has now learned was Batman. Wayne is survived by his son Turner Hayes, who he adopted from the slums of Burnside. Now twice orphaned, Hayes joins a city in grief, one that is left to wonder who will protect Gotham now that Batman is dead.

The new lady said while the funeral for Bruce Wayne was about to start. Jesse was walking with Turner who was holding her hand. "Dent." Jesse hears someone calling her dad making Jesse pull Turner away from them. "Got an anonymous tip on where Wayne's killers might be holed up." Ford said to Deny who nods. "Good." Dent said to him before walking over to Jesse and Turner.

Somewhere In Gotham 

Skylar drops out all the money they made from last night on the table. "Guys, th-this is blood money." Cullen said to them making Skylar look at him. "This is money that is finally gonna get you and me outta Gotham, and we didn't kill anyone." Harper said to her brother while Skylar walks over to Cullen. "An entire city thinks that we killed Batman, which is exactly what whoever set us up wanted. I mean, why--why else would they pay us all this money up front?" Cullen asks them getting nervous and scared. "That's your complaint?" Duela asks him slightly annoyed. "Really, that I didn't get them on installment plan?" Duela said to him while Skylar touches' Cullen's cheek. "Cull..." Skylar said as he leans closer to Cullen's ear. "I know you are scared, there is nothing to be scare about. Okay?" Skylar whisper to him making Cullen hold onto Skylar's jacket.  "You didn't even get their name." Harper said to Duela very annoyed. "Oh, well, what was I supposed to do? Ask for an ID? Maybe a gas bill, a canceled check? You see, in crime, people who hire you to do something illegal usually don't want it traced back to them." Duela said sass back to Harper while Skylar holds Cullen. "Exactly, and now it only traces back to us." Harper said to her making Duela thought about it as Skylar walks over to the table. "Look, there is no going back now so might as well use the money and run." Skylar said to the two girls while Cullen looks at his watch. "Funeral's starting. Want to get out of here now, now's our chance." Cullen said to them as he garbs a bag and he puts some money in it before walking away. Skylar follows Cullen who was in the next room making sure everything was in his bag. "You okay?" Skylar asks him as he walks over to Cullen. "I'm fine." Cullen said to him not looking at Skylar. Skylar grabs Cullen's bag and he sits it on the bed before he hugs Cullen from behind. "It's going to be okay, we will get out of Gotham." Skylar said to him. "You are not part of the plan, if you recall my sister is trying to find a place for her and I." Cullen said to him while he holds Skylar's hands. "Then I will just follow you." Skylar said to him then he leans over to Cullen's ear. "You could also express your desires to her and whatever it is I will be there for you." Skylar said to him then he kisses Cullen's cheek before walking to the door. "Skylar." Cullen calls him making Skylar look at him. " you." Cullen said to him not looking at Skylar. "Cullen, look at me." Skylar said to him making Cullen turn to him. "I love you too." Skylar said to him with a smile before walking out of the room leaving Cullen smile.

At The Funeral

Turner was infront of everyone at the funeral while Jesse was standing next to her dad. "For years, you knew Bruce Wayne as Gotham's most prominent businessman, and now you know him as the city's savior, Batman. But to me...he was just my dad. He had an entire city to save. And yet, he insisted on saving one more. Me." Turner said to everyone while Jesse holds onto her dad's arm. "When my parents were killed, he gave me a home. He took a scared, broken kid from the worst part of Gotham and raised me as his own. An orphan himself, he was no stranger to how dangerous and cruel the city can be. But instead of retreating into despair, he became a force for justice. A beacon of hope...for all to look to when hope seems lost." Turner said to them while Jesse looks over at Carrie who was looking at her already. "What he stood for will always live on. It was my father's belief that each of us could become a light strong enough to defy the darkness." Turner said to everyone there then he looks at Jesse who gives him a little smile. 

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