Chapter 11

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At night, in the school library, Jesse, Turner, Skylar and Harper was investigate Alan Wayne's files while music plays in the background. 

♪ Do you wanna, do you wanna ♪

♪ Do you wanna get into trouble? ♪

During the song, Turner looks over at Jesse who is reading a newspaper. Turner can't seem to stop gazing at her after they kissed the night before.

♪ Do you wanna, do you wanna ♪

♪ Do you wanna get into trouble? ♪

Jesse's gaze is drawn to Turner who gives her a smile. Jesse gives him a wink making Turner laugh a little. "I see you two hit it off." Skylar said to Turner who looks at him. "I can see it." Skylar said to him as he walks closer to Turner. "It must be a big deal now that you have her." Skylar said to him. "I don't feel comfortable talking about this with you." Turner said to him making Skylar smile at him. "Why? I have a lover too maybe I can give you some ideas on how to make her happy." Skylar said to him. "I can think of ways to make her happy and I don't need help." Turner said to him. "That is what I like to hear." Skylar said to him then Skylar sits on the table.

Cullen walks over to them holding a cake. "Liberated this from the teachers' lounge." Cullen said to them as he place the cake on the table. "Congratulations Cathy." Turner reads the cake. "Yay, something sweet." Jesse said as she grabs a plastic fork and plate. "Hey. I'm sorry. I couldn't find one that said, Good luck trying to solve Bruce Wayne's murder by investigating the alleged killing of his great-great-grandfather." Cullen said to him making Skylar laugh. "Slice, anyone? Slice? No? All right." Cullen said as he walks over to the knife that was on the table. "Stop eating so much." Turner said to Jesse was eating the cake. "No, it's yummy." Jesse said to him and she feeds him some of it. "You want a slice?" Cullen asks Skylar. "Sure." Skylar said to him and he kisses Cullen's cheek as he picks up the knife. Cullen starts using the knife to cut the cake making Harper look at him. "Uh, you do realize the Talon almost killed you with that thing, right?" Harper said to her brother. "Yeah. Now I'm repurposing it for good, so..." Cullen said to her with a smile. "So, it's okay. It's cutting cake for us so we can have sugar in our systems." Skylar said to her while Cullen hands him a slice of cake. "I've been through this hundred-year-old police report a thousand times, and there's nothing in here that even remotely suggests Alan Wayne could've been murdered." Turner said to them while Skylar starts feeding Cullen some of the cake. "All it does is confirm what the newspapers already reported. The renowned architect d*ed by accidental drowning upon falling into a sewer following a sudden bout of dementia." Turner said to them. "Beep beep!" Duela yells as she scooters pass them on a scooter. "Coming through." Duela said to them. "You find anything interesting?" Jesse asks Harper. "Maybe. Maybe it's nothing." Harper said to her then she shows a picture that shows a body with bloody cuts on it. "See those marks on Alan Wayne's body?" Harper asks them making Jesse look at the picture closer. "It's weird, right?" Harper asks them. "Yeah. They mentioned those cuts in the report, but they said that it had nothing to do with the cause of death." Turner said to them as he stands over Jesse. "Yeah." Cullen said as he looks at the picture. "I'm...I'm not a medical examiner, but I'm pretty sure falling down a sewer doesn't cause marks like that." Cullen said to them. "But these marks don't prove anything, and if Alan Wayne's death was an accident, it means he wasn't killed by the Court of Owls. Which means this can't help us solve my dad's murder or clear our names, so this is all a dead end." Turner said to them and he rubs his head making Jesse look at him. "You seem tired." Jesse said to him. "I am tired. I'm tired of living in a stupid belfry. I'm tired of showering in a dirty locker room. I'm tired of worrying about whether I'm gonna end up dead or in prison...and I'm tired of losing everybody that ever gave a damn about me." Turner said to them making Jesse hug him. "And I'm tired of your constant bitching." Duela said to Turner as she rolls pass the table. "I just wanna go home. I want my life back." Turner said to them making Harper, Cullen and Skylar give Turner a sad glare while Jesse gives Turner a kiss on the cheek making Turner smile a little. "You will soon." Jesse whisper to him while she caresses his cheek.

"I found something." The group hears Duela say as she walks over to them while holding a book. "Hold onto your asses, guys, because this is gonna change the game. Yes...Ladies and gentlemen...Bat-Brat was a member of the Never Get Laid Brigade." Duela said them as she puts the book down and she bust out laughing. "No, no. Let me see that." Cullen said as he picks the book up. "Oh come on it's not that bad." Jesse said to them as the knife fells on the floor. "But it's embarrassing." Skylar said to her while laughing. "It's Glee Club, it's fun." Jesse said to them while Turner picks up the knife and he sees the mark on the floor. "Guys." Turner calls them. "What, Glee loser?" Skylar asks him making Turner point down to the floor. The group looks down at the floor and they see the mark that was exact mark on Alan Wayne's body. Jesse stands up and she walks over to the x and she knees down to it. "This killed Alan." Jesse said to them. "Well shit." Skylar said to himself.

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