Chapter 12

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The Next Day, At Dent's Household

Jesse was dressed up and she walks into the living room to see the tv was on. 

"Gotham is once again in mourning as Mayor Hamilton Hill is laid to rest after his shocking murder. For a city that seems to be running out of heroes, it hasn't forgotten DA Harvey Dent's heroic takedown of the Mutant gang during the terrifying hostage situation of the Founders' Gala. Dent remains the frontrunner in the race to elect Gotham's new mayor. However, a new candidate has thrown his hat in the ring...industrialist Lincoln March."

Jesse over at the crouch to see her dad was sleeping on it.

Well, if Harvey Dent is as committed to fixing this city as he claims to be, then why has he allowed Bruce Wayne's Killers to remain at large? Now, is that really what Gotham City needs? Just another two-faced politician?

Jesse hears Lincoln said on the tv making her turn the tv off. "Dad, wake up." Jesse said while she shakes her dad's arm. Harvey wakes up and he sees his daughter and that he was in the living room. "Ahh." Harvey said as he sit up. "Same clothes as yesterday. Interesting night?" Jesse asks him playfully. "No, I can't not with you in my life. You are more then enough." Harvey said to her as he stands up and a key falls out of his jacket. "What's that?" Jesse asks him as Harvey picks up the key. "It's a key, but it's not mine." Harvey said to her as he puts the key back into his jacket. "Now, I have to go I have a Briefing at work. I want you to stay out of trouble." Harvey said to her making Jesse give him a look. "Well, try." Harvey said to her and he kiss her forehead before leaving to go to work.

Later At Clock tower / Belfry

"Well, if you're looking for a connection between the Court of Owls and Alan Wayne's death, I think X marks the spot." Stephanie said to them while holding up the knife. "Oh, Little Miss Wire Cutter's got jokes. Should get you an open mic night at the Iceberg Lounge. Hopefully, you won't bomb." Harper said to her making Stephanie look at her. "A lot of words to say thank you." Stephanie said to her. "Maybe this is some signature weapon that's been passed from assassin to assassin for decades, and if it was used on us and Alan Wayne, then maybe it was used on others?" Carrie said to them while looking at the knife. "Is that crazy?" Carrie asks them. "No, sounds like something I would do." Jesse said to Carrie. "In his journals, my dad said that he suspected the Court had been responsible for decades worth of murders." Turner said to them. "I kinda wonder if there are more accidentally dead bodies with strange scars out there." Cullen said to them while he was sitting on Skylar's lap drawing in his book. "We'd have to access all of the GCPD autopsy records to find out." Jesse said to them then the group looks over at Cullen. "It's gonna take me a lot of trips." Cullen said to them. "No." Stephanie said then she pulls out a yellow flash drive. "Just one." Stephanie said to him and he throws it to him making Skylar caught it. "It's called a rubber ducky. It'll give us remote access." Stephanie said to him making Cullen nod as he takes the flash drive from Skylar.

Later At The GCPD

Cullen and Skylar poses as a police officers to plant a device to help them. "A little juice of the bean for the sarge." Cullen said to Sgt. Apone while placing a cup of coffee on the table. "You're learning, rook." Apone said to them. "What can I do you for?" Apone asks the two. "Just returning this to Records." Skylar said to him. "Well, get to it." Apone said to them then the two walk away to the records room. Cullen walks right into Harvey Dent who drops some papers. "Mr. Dent." Cullen said to him. "I...I'm so sorry. Me and the boys appreciate everything that you're doing for the city. You've got my vote." Cullen said to him. "You all stay safe out there." Harvey said to the two. "We'll try." Skylar said to him and the two walk away.

"Nice save."

 The two hear Stephanie on the radio. "Heading to the server room." Skylar said to them as the two enter the room. "Which is more like a server closet." Cullen said to Skylar who nods. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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