Chapter 9

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The Next Day, At The GCPD

Jesse walks into the GCPD in her school uniform to see the Mayor Hill there. "On my order, the brave men of the GCPD have captured the degenerate leader of the Mutant gang, and starting today, we're deploying more officers to hunt down the rest of the Mutants." Mayor Hill said as Jesse walks over to her dad. "And I can think of no better way to celebrate the taking back of our city than at the Founders Gala tomorrow, knowing that we made the streets of Gotham safer today." Mayor Hill said as Jesse stands with her dad. "What are you doing here? I thought you were at school." Harvey said to her. "I wanted to see this." Jesse said to him. "Fine, I will take you to school when I am done here." Harvey said to her and he walks over to Mayor Hill. "Does it make the streets of Gotham safer when you pressure, one of my ADAs into dropping charges against Brody March?" Harvey asks him. "Kid clearly learned his lesson. Came down to the GCPD to confess. Nobody got hurt and no money was stolen." Mayor Hill said to him. "Right, because it was donated to your campaign coffers. How big a contribution did Lincoln March make to your re-election fund?" Harvey asks him. "Why? You trying to figure out how much you gotta raise to beat me by November? Or are you still too scared to get in the race? I'll see you at the gala."  Mayor Hill said to him and he walks away. "What a loser." Jesse said to herself making Harvey look at her. "Let's go, young lady you are going to be late for school." Harvey said to her as he takes Jesse out of the GCPD.

Later At The Gotham Academy

In the library, Jesse and Carrie doing so work until Carrie falls asleep. Jesse doesn't wake her up she thinks over what Bruce write, she wants to tell Turner but at the same time she can't. The school bell rings, as Stephanie walks over to them and she lands a newspaper on the table waking up Carrie. "GCPD Captures Mutant gang Leader. The press always gets it wrong." Stephanie said to them. "We have AP English together, right?" Carrie said to her. "I'm Stephanie, you're Carrie, and we have a lot more in common than that." Stephanie said to her as she sits next to Jesse. "Another case of a man taking credit for a woman's work." Stephanie said to Jesse and Carrie. "I don't know what you mean." Carrie said to her. "Turner filled me in on your extracurriculars. Can't be easy, picking up the Bat-mantle. That why you're catching extra Zs in the stacks?" Stephanie said to Carrie. "Stephanie, Carrie don't care if the cops took credit." Jesse said to her. "I just wish Batman was here to see me take him down." Carrie said to her. "You know, I knew Bruce a little. He'd be proud of you." Stephanie said to her then she looks at Jesse. "He would be proud of both of you." Stephanie said to them making Jesse smile. "Hey, Steph." The three hear Brody making the three turn to him. "Um..." Brody said looking at Carrie. "Carrie." Stephanie said while turning to see that Carrie was gone and Jesse was sitting here waving at Brody. "Well. I don't know what's more see you actually in the library or to see you not behind bars." Jesse said to him with a smile. "Thanks again for that, by the way." Stephanie said to Brody. "Got months community service." Brody said to them. "Of course your dad got you off. Pays to be a March. As long as a March pays." Jesse said to him. "My parents are punishing me in other ways. Trust me." Brody said to her with a smile. "Anyway, the reason I'm here in the...what'd you call this place? The...library?" Brody asks them. "Ha. Is because I wanted to ask Stephanie if she wanted to come to the Founders Gala with me." Brody said to Stephanie who smiles a little. "I know you hate those parties. I hate those parties, but come with me. We can hate the party together." Brody said to her. "Oh my." Jesse said to herself. "Your dad legit just got you out of jail. Is he gonna let you out of the house?" Stephanie asks him. "I told you my parents were punishing me. This is the punishment. You in?" Brody asks her. 

Later In The Clock tower / Belfry

"You said yes?" Turner said to Stephanie. "What was I supposed to say? Brody lied to the police about hacking the banks. For me. I kind of owe him." Stephanie said to Turner. "Yeah, I'm with Brownie on this one. I mean, you got her into trouble, he got her out, so, think that earns her a ticket to the Brodeo." Duela said to Turner while Cullen sits on Skylar's lap. "Please stay off my side." Stephanie said to her. "And I highly doubt that me splitting a cheese platter with Brody is your most pressing concern. Okay." Stephanie said to Turner who looks away. "She has a point." Jesse said to Turner who looks at her. "Cheese platter, is not the best thing to eat on the first date, only if you like that type of thing." Jesse said to Turner who smiles at her. "Where are you on your clue trail?" Stephanie asks Turner who looks at her as Stephanie walks over to the table. "At a dead end. But check this out." Turner said to her as he walks over to the table with Jesse behind him. "My dad wrote about his theory that the Court of Owls were hunting the Wayne family for over years." Turner said to Stephanie while Jesse stands by Turner. "Starting with his great-great-grandfather Alan Wayne. But all the accounts of the time say that he drowned in a sewer when he accidentally fell into a manhole." Turner said to her while Jesse hugs Turner's arm. "Newspapers attributed it to dementia but here's where it gets interesting. Witnesses at the time said that he was last heard screaming, The owls are in my house." Turner said to her. "That can't be a coincidence." Jesse said to him. "Yeah." Turner said to her. "So, what now?" Stephanie asks the two. "Well, I know what the World's Greatest Detective would do. Can't solve the last murder..." Turner said to them and Jesse cuts him off. "Go back to the first." Jesse said to them. "Right, if the Court did kill Alan Wayne, maybe looking through his cold case will help us prove they killed my dad. Figure out how they did it, maybe see if we can find out who was involved. It's a long shot." Turner said to them. "All cold cases are long shots." Jesse said to him making Turner look at her. "But if you could get your hands on the original case file, maybe we could find something the police missed back then." Jesse said to him. "Yeah, if the original case file wasn't collecting cobwebs in the GCPD basement." Turner said to her. "Oh, yeah." Jesse said to herself. "Can't exactly just go and check it out." Turner said to them as Cullen walks over to them. "No, but we could steal it." Cullen said to them making the three look at him. "How?" Turner asks him. "Why don't ya leave that to the thieves to figure out?" Cullen said to him and he turns to Skylar, Duela and Harper. "Oh, this will be fun." Skylar said to himself while he rubs eyes.

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