Chapter 7

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That night, the group was in one of the Wayne Tower's cars to the elevator that Turner talk about with Cullen at the wheel.

"We're clear." Cullen said to everyone who sits up from their hiding positions. "Not too bad for a trust funder." Skylar said to them making Turner look at him. "You know I wasn't always rich, right?" Turner said to him. "Since I am unaware of your life history and sincerely don't care." Skylar said to him. "Burn." Duela said to Turner. "Here we go." Harper said as she opens her computer and starts to hack into the motion sensors and cameras. "Didn't think I'd be back this soon, did you, Wayne Tower?" Harper said to no one. "Someone is losing it." Skylar said to himself making Duela chuckle. "Looks like somebody gave you a brand-new set of motion sensors. I'll be accessing those. And your cameras." Harper said as she does her magic while Jesse looks at Carrie who gives her a look. "Okay. No patrol on the top level. You three are good to go. We'll monitor you three from here." Harper said to Jesse, Carrie and Turner while Jesse gives Turner an ear piece. "Be another pair of eyes." Harper said to them. "And your fists if it comes to that." Skylar said to them. "Let's hope it doesn't." Jesse said to her. "You guys are gonna do great." Duela said to them with a smile and a thumbs up. "Come on. We're on a tight timeline and I have an AP history paper to write." Carrie said to them then she, Jesse and Turner leaves the car.

"You think these journals have anything in them about the Court?" Turner asks Carrie and Jesse as he closes the car door. "I think we're about to find out." Jesse said to him as the three walk up to the elevator. "Um, probably the wrong time to ask this, but what do you think happens if they changed my dad's code?" Turner asks the two. "Two dozen heavily armed guards descend on this very spot." Carrie said to him. "Nevertheless, I'm betting that it won't." Jesse said to them with a smile then Turner puts in the code and the three watch as the doors of the elevator open. "Told you guys." Jesse said to them and the three enter the elevator.

"Okay, what's with the team spirit all of a sudden?" Harper asks Duela as she looks at her. "You never went along with a plan you didn't come up with yourself." Harper said to her. "All right." Duela said as she moves up. "Going along with Turner's plan is a part of my plan, one that involves getting the hell out of Gotham, and I was just about to invite you three to join me." Duela said to the three. "What about clearing your name?" Cullen asks her. "I would rather keep it off a tombstone. And you know, besides, if we check out of here, we get new names." Duela said to him making Cullen look at Skylar who was watching his sister. "I'm kinda digging the name Harper." Duela said making Harper slowly turn to her. "Whoa. Kidding. Hate that name. Look, I'm just saying that if...If proving we're innocent means breaking into a place that we were very lucky to get out of the first time, - we are better off running." Duela said to them. "Yeah, it takes money to run." Skylar said to her making Duela look at him. "I got that covered." Duela said to him with a smile then she pulls out the watch. "I did some asking around and this creepy, little timepiece is worth a whole lot more than we figured. An antiquities dealer over on Brundle offered up a number that splits very nicely ways 4 ways." Duela said to them. "And then what? Every way out of the city is a GCPD checkpoint. What makes you think you can dodge that much heat?" Harper asks her making Duela snap her fingers. "You're sitting in it." Duela said to her making the three look at the car they were in. "The...the GCPD isn't searching Wayne Security vehicles. That'd be like searching the president's motorcade. Heh. This comfort ride beauty is our luxury ticket outta G-town." Duela said to them and she looks the three were not saying anything. "Come on. I'll even let you pick the radio station." Duela said to them with a smile while Skylar thinks about it, he wants to clear his name and all but Duela's plans sounds good. 

In Wayne's Tower

The elevator's door opens to the main office and the three walks out of the elevator. The three then turn to the window that had 'Your Bat Is Dead' painted on it. "This is the last place he was alive." Turner said to the two sadly. "Turner, who has never done that, will be taken down, allowing your father to rest peacefully." Jesse said to him making Turner turn to her with a smile. "Come on. We don't have much time." Carrie said to the two the three walk to doors while Jesse holds Turner's hand. Carrie opens the doors to Bruce's office then three move over to a bookcase, where Jesse lets go of Turner's hand and presses a button that is on the shelf. A number of weapons, a batman mask, and a few books are seen when the book shelf slides open. "It's a good thing you two know your way around." Turner said to the two then he sees a book open making him pick it up and looks thought it. "That his most recent one?" Carrie asks him. "No, it's from when he was just a kid. It's all about the murder of his parents. This was his first case." Turner said to her while looking at the pages. "Wonder what made him dig that out." Jesse said to them. "Listen to this." Turner said as he puts his finger on a paragraph. "Everyone, even Alfred, believed that a lone thief was responsible. Joe Chill may have pulled the trigger, but he didn't orchestrate the murder. The Court of Owls did." Turner reads out loud then he looks at the two.

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