Chapter 5

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At Gotham

At Wayne Manor, The Next Night

Jesse follows her dad and Cressida to the Batcave with a few police. Jesse watch as the police look around the cave as she stands with Harvey and Cressida. "Did you know about this?" Harvey asks Cressida. "Bruce shared many secrets with me but this wasn't one of them." Cressida said to him. "Bag and tag everything." Harvey said to the group of police. "Let's go. Pack up all the security." A cop said and the group of police gets to work. "But the irony...people who couldn't stop crime in Gotham treating the man who did like a criminal." Cressida said to Harvey who looks at her. "Bruce was my friend." Harvey said to her. "So was Turner. Will you bag and tag him as well?" Cressida said him and she walks away from him. Jesse walks away form her dad and she walks over to the Bat computer. Jesse watch as the cops take the computer apart while Harvey walks over to her. "I know you are fan of Batman and I am sorry you lost your hero." Harvey said to her making Jesse look at him. "Yeah, he is my hero but you are my hero too." Jesse said to him and she gives him a hug. Harvey hugs her tight while the cops do their job.

In A Clothing Store

♪ I'm only happy when it rains ♪

A song plays while the teens look around the shop. Skylar walks over to the leather jackets and he takes a look at them. 

♪ I'm only happy when it's complicated ♪

♪ I'm only happy when it rains ♪

Duela spins around the store as she looks at the makeup in the store while Skylar looks over at Cullen who was looking at some shirts.

♪ You know I love it when the news is bad ♪

♪ Why I feel so good but feel so sad ♪

Duela then finds a pink skirt with black skirts and shirts while Skylar picks up a shirt.

♪ I'm only happy when it rains ♪

♪ Pour your misery down... ♪

Duela then picks up a pink skirt making her chuckle. "Hey, Skylar." Duela calls him making Skylar look at her and he sees the skirt. "That is different." Skylar said to her as Duela turns to Harper. "Hey. This is totally you." Duela said then she throw the skirt at Harper. "Matches your new hair." Duela said to her as she walks away. "And you clearly don't know me at all." Harper said to her as Cullen walks over to Skylar with two black shirts. "Okay. Now." Cullen said to him making Skylar look at him. "We got most wanted. Wanted most." Cullen said to Skylar with a smile. "Let's see." Skylar said to him while looking at the shirts. "Take 'em both." Skylar said to him as he takes closer to Cullen. "You will look great in both of them." Skylar said to him making Cullen smile. Cullen gives Skylar a kiss as Turner walks into the room. "Guys. Only grab what we need." Turner said to them while he puts his flashlight on them. "I absolutely need this, well, $ 1, 200 dollar jacket and the matching kicks." Duela said to him as she walks over to shoes. "And..." Skylar said to Turner who looks at him. "Cullen, needs something nice." Skylar said to him as Skylar walks over to Turner. "Maybe you can get your little girlfriend something too." Skylar said to him. "We discussed this. It's more of a loan. Once we clear our names, we're paying it back." Turner said to them then he looks at Skylar. "And Jesse is not my girlfriend." Turner said to him making Skylar laugh as he walks away from him. "Tell you what, we will return the loan, just as soon as the store pays back all the child labor they exploited to make this stuff." Harper said to him as Cullen walks over to Turner. "Well, you know if you victimize the victimizer, then it's a victimless crime." Cullen said to Turner as he walks over to Skylar. "I'm not sure the law sees it that way." Turner said to them as Duela walks over to Turner with boots and a jacket in her hands. "Just as long as they don't see you, right?" Duela asks Turner then she threw a jacket at Turner. "Not exactly my style." Turner said to her. "Mm-hmm. That's the point." Skylar said to Turner as he takes ahold of his shoulders.  "We gotta change up our looks so that we don't match our mugshots." Duela said to Turner while Skylar runs his fingers thought Turner's hair. "I really wish they'd taken that turtleneck when they seized your trust fund." Skylar said to Turner while Cullen looks over to them and he sees Skylar running his fingers thought Turner's hair making him jealous. "Hey. You're a fugitive now, okay? You are no longer required to be this boring." Duela said to Turner while Skylar moves over to Duela. "Come on. What happened to that guy who grabbed the wheel and wrecked the prison transport?" Skylar asks him while putting his arm around Duela. "That guy that I know you keep tucked away, hiding underneath all that cashmere? Let us know when he wants to come out and play." Duela said to him. "Maybe this girl you like will like seeing that side of you. You never know." Skylar said to him as he walks away from the two. Skylar sees Cullen pulling clothes out making him walk over to Cullen. "You okay?" Skylar asks him but Cullen doesn't answer him. "Baby, what's wrong?" Skylar asks him making Cullen look at him. "Nothing is wrong." Cullen said to him making Skylar lean closer to him. "You are lying." Skylar said to him making Cullen look away. "It bothered me that you were running your fingers through Turner's hair." Cullen said to him making Skylar nod a little. "Right." Skylar said to him then he places his hand on Cullen's cheek. "Cullen..." Skylar said as he places his other hand on Cullen's waist. "You are the one and only guy I want to be, and nothing can change that." Skylar said to him then he kisses Cullen's forehead. Cullen closes his eyes as he leans into Skylar's touch then the group hears sirens coming their way. "Okay, who tripped the silent alarm?" Harper asks them then the group looks over at Turner. "Attention, shoplifters, please make your final selections and kindly bring them towards the rear exit." Duela said to them as she walks to the exit with the group following her while Turner notices Skylar putting a ring box in his pocket. Skylar walks pass Turner while he does a spin to the others.

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