Chapter 11

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"Im not here to play games lady leave!" Sasuke said running towards naruto and holding his hand. Naruto slowly open his eyes and looking at his lover "I-I'm-" naruto started to say but sasuke stopped him , "it's not your fault, don't talk." He said rubbing his hand to confront him.

"So are you guys going to sit here and pretend I'm not here!" Sakura said getting frustrated and started to throw a fit almost knocking over naruto's oxygen tank catching sasuke's  attention "why would I give my pay attention to you when you nearly killed my boyfriend.. listen here." Sasuke said walking towards Sakura , "if you ever, come near naruto again you'll be the next one in a hospital bed , do I make myself clear..!" Sakura moved back to the room door and looked down.

"I understand you very well , but I am not stopping until your in my hands ." Sasuke started to laugh a little and went back to sit next to his lover . "Your delusional if you think you can have me , matter of fact if you think killing my naruto will make me yours , your a sick fuck ." Sasuke said getting comfortable into the chair.

The door opened and 2 police officers walked in and took out handcuffs putting Sakura under arrest. " You're under arrest for attempted murder, you also have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you." Sakura was token back and started to scream.

"LET ME GO!" She said and started to fight back while getting sent out of the room.

{My bad I haven't been posting 😭}

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