023 | floating in outer space

55 0 0

song minseo

People usually look in the mirror to check their outfit and hair before heading somewhere. I usually do that as well, but not today because I find it hard not to notice the wide smile across my face.

This must be the widest smile my lips have ever worn. It's a rare moment to catch myself smiling or being happy. Seeing myself expressing joyfulness is strange and not like me at all. Despite the strange feeling, I have to admit, I enjoy the feeling of happiness.

Does this mean I have succeeded? After climbing and falling down too many times, I still manged to reach the highest level of emotions.

My aunt positioned herself behind me and gazed at my reflection. She also wears a wide smile on her lips, almost wider than my smile.

"Happiness looks good on you, my dear" My aunt said.

"I agree" I replied.

A knock on the front door interrupted us, and I hesitantly walked over to open it. As I expected and waited, Seungmin was staying behind the door.

I almost hugged him. Not the normal type of hug. I want to jump into his embrace, causing us to lose balanced and almost fall down on the ground together. Despite the urge, I chose to stan still.

"Let's go" Seungmin said with a sweet smile as he grabbed my hand.

I quickly said goodbye to my aunt as I followed after Seungmin. It's been a while since I walked without my crutches. I do feel off balance, and the thought of falling due to weakness is terrifies me.

I have done nothing but rely on Seungmin these past months. At first, I only relied on him for my mental well-being, but right now is he like my crutches. He is my lifebuoy when I'm drowning in deep water.

The location I wanted to take Seungmin to is located in my neighborhood. We arrived at a hill with a small building and a sitting area beside it. I dragged Seungmin with me out of excitement and almost ran to the small building.

Our eyes immediately widened as we walked inside and were greeted by the window roof that revealed a magical view over the stars in the night sky. It's like the window roof is a gaint telescope.

We sat down to look at the night sky together. I rested my back against his upper body while Seungmin had his arms wrapped around my waist. I do like every type of hug Seungmin gives m, but if I had to choose one, this is my favorite.

I have never understood how or why people cry out of joy. I have always associated tears with sadness. If you cry it means you are sad. But I know I'm not sad anymore; it's pure happiness only because I succeed. Tears are not meant for sorrow only; they are meant for happiness too.

"Seungmin?" I said.

"Have you figured out why I wanted to take you here?" I asked.

"I don't think so, why? What's the reason?" Seungmin asked back out of curiosity.

"I wanted you to see yourself from my perspective. You aren't just a star to me; you are a whole damn galaxy. Whenever I look at you or thinking about you, it feels like I'm floating in outer space" I answered.

"We are able to see to see stars due to darkness. Without the darkness, we will never see the stars. And that's exactly what you did; you didn't just put stars in my dark sky, you gave me a whole damn galaxy" I added.

Seungmin looked at me with blurry eyes. A tear slowly fell from his eye as he kept his sweet smile.

"I don't know if I can bring myself to speak, I'm- and.." Seungmin said.

"I really cannot explain with words, so" He added.

With that said, Seungmin connected our lips. Even though there are only inches between us, Seungmin still finds a way to pull me closer as the kiss deepens. The feeling of finally kissing the one you love is absolutely insane yet addicting.

Seungmin slowly removed his lips from mine but still kept our faces close, with no distance between us. How am I not supposed to kiss him when I can feel his lips on mine?

"I wanted to be a gentleman and ask you for your permission first, or at least ask you to be my girlfriend before-" Seungmin explained.

I let out a soft chuckle before I smashed my lips onto his, with my hands placed on his neck. The tension almost took over, resulting in me getting lost in our moment until I realized were we are.

I instantly pulled away to check if anyone was watching us. I would rather not be that annoying couple who has a whole make-out session in public. Seungmin let out a soft chuckle as he held my hands.

"Minseo?" Seungmin said.

"From today and forger, it's officially us against the world" He added and I nodded happily.

I already knew the stars in the sky were going to shine extra bright tonight due to the metero shower. However, the reason this night looks so beautiful is not because of these stars, but because of me and Seungmin.

And, as Seungmin said, from today and forever, it's us against the world.

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